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What We Do

Duplin County's BCCCP (Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program) offers low or no cost screenings for breast and cervical cancer and also provides follow up care support if necessary for patients. Services offered include mammograms, clinical breast exams, PAP & HPV screenings, diagnostic procedures and medical consultations when needed.

Who We Serve

BCCCP offers these services to low income (below 250% poverty level), underinsured, and uninsured women who are between the ages of 40-64 (breast screen services) and/or 21-64 (cervical screening services).

How We Impact

BCCCP services are a vital part of our health department, providing those with limited access to care a way to monitor their own health and participate in preventative services to detect fatal diseases and conditions that they would not have been able to do otherwise. As of 2023, the health department has one nurse who manages this program but we hope to have enough resources and funding in the future to make this program bigger and form a team to help improve health outcomes for our patients.

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