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Circle of Security Parenting


2022 Progress on CHIP

Trainings for COSP are now being held regularly for Buncombe County parents, caregivers, and a wide variety of service providers in order to support healthy parent/caregiver-child attachment and attunement. Participants who engage in the 8-week training series complete a survey after the final session to assess their knowledge and behavior change related to understanding the child’s bids for attention and the underlying emotional need, as well as the impact of the adult/caregiver’s childhood and lifetime experiences on interpreting the emotional needs of the child. A process to access county-specific data on the identified CHIP metrics for the COSP program are underway and performance measure updates should occur by June 2023.

2023 Progress on CHIP

COSP trainings have continued throughout 2023 in Buncombe County. In June 2023, longitudinal training outcomes data was compiled and shared for updates in the identified performance measures. The outcomes data was collected from October 2020 through June 2023 from 205 parents/caregivers and 50 early childhood professionals. Early childhood professionals participating in these Circle of Security Parenting groups included: early educators; early intervention staff and service providers, including Children’s Development Service Agency (CDSA) staff working with parents and educators of birth to three-year olds; child welfare professionals; mental health providers; and in-home visitors. Additional Circle of Security Parenting groups have been offered to parents, caregivers, and early childhood professionals in Buncombe County during this period. The numbers reflect only the evaluations collected in a centralized data system and do not include participants in all groups. Efforts continue to increase the number of COSP facilitators using the centralized system.

More information about the Circle of Security Parenting program can be found at the Circle of SecurityInternational website at

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