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Residents of Graham County are Healthy, Safe, and Thriving.

Experience and Importance

How would we experience healthy, safe, and thriving residents in our community?

Graham County would see fewer suicide attempts and suicide related deaths. There would be a reduction in crime and domestic violence. There would be a reduction in child neglect and abuse. It would increase the number of employment eligible individuals in the county, thus improving the draw for those employers and industry. There would be easily accessable mental health resources in the county. Graham County wants to see all residents free from the infliction of mental health issues and empowered to find hope.

What information led to the selection of this health issue and related result?

Suicide is the leading cause of death among youth ages 0-19 and the second leading cause of death in those age 20-39 in Graham County and occurs at a higher rate than the region and the state.  It is the seventh leading cause of death overall.  (CHA, 2021). The results of the WNC Healthy Impact Community Health Survey show reports of dissatisfaction with life, inability to obtain needed mental health services, and experiencing more than 7 days of poor mental health in the past month have all increased in recent years. This is occurring as reports of getting needed social and emotional support have decreased (WNC Health Network, 2021). The Kaiser Family Foundation polls have shown increased reports of negative impacts on individual mental health as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and related stress (Panchal et al., 2021).

How would we experience decreased substance use in our community?

Graham County would see fewer overdoses, including both fatal and non-fatal. There would be a reduction in crime and domestic violence. We would see a reduction in child neglect and abuse. There would be fewer syringes in the county park, green spaces, and sidewalks. It would increase the number of employment eligible individuals in the county, thus improving the draw for those employers and industry. 

What information led to the selection of this health issue and related result?

Substance use disorder was selected due to the alarmingly high rate of intravenous drug use, opioids, and methamphetamines. Graham County is in the top 5% in the nation for a Hepatitis C/HIV outbreak, so addressing SUD is a major health concern for the county. The impact of a successful intervention would be immense. Like mental health, feasibility is a concern, as no framework is in place. This will be developed from the ground up. It is important to note that more than half of respondents reported that their life had been negatively affected by substance use, whether this was personal use or use by someone else (WNC Health Network, 2021).


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