The lessons introduce and develop skills for making healthy choices, building positive friendships, developing self-efficacy, communicating effectively, and resisting peer pressure and influence. Too Good for Drugs teaches five essential character development skills to build self-efficacy, and promote healthy development, and academic success:
- Setting Reachable Goals
- Making Responsible Decisions
- Bonding with Pro-Social Others
- Identifying and Managing Emotions
- Communicating Effectively
We serve all students in Duplin County in kindergarten through twelfth grade.
By partnering with the school system and providing a preventative education program to students in kindergarten through 12th grade, we aim to reduce the number of adolescent vaping and prevention of future substance abuse
Progress in 2022-2023
This is a new initiative for us as a county, therefore we do not currently have any data to show for this program. We plan to start holding this program in our schools in May of 2024.