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Advocate for Services and Resources

What Is It?

Partnering with organizations and agencies who are advocating at the federal, state, and local level for increased funding and resources for mental health treatment and services in Western North Carolina was identified by Healthy Carolinians of Jackson County, community members and stakeholders as an action, that when combined with other actions in our community, has a reasonable chance of making a difference in the mental health status in our community. This is a new focus for Healthy Carolinians of Jackson County. 

The priority population/customers for this project are North Carolina legislators and senators, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Dogwood Trust and WNC Bridge Foundation, Community Foundation of WNC, local providers like Meridian, Appalachian, Youth Villages and VAYA Health. The advocacy efforts aim to make a difference at the organizational/policy and environmental change level. Implementation will take place in [describe setting for program type].

Health Disparities exacerbate poor mental health status. We live in  rural area where people have low access to mental health services due to geographic location and not many services being available. This project seeks to bring mental health services to our area to reduce the impact health disparities such as living in a rural area have on our mental health. Additionally, we seek services brought to our area for everyone regardless of socioeconomic status. 


The partners for this advoacy project include:




Jackson County Department of Public Health Janelle Messer

Collaborate, Support

Western Carolina University Katie Pincura Lead, Collaborate, Support, Research
Meridian, Appalachian, VAYA Health Agency Stakeholders Lead, Collaborate, Support

Progress in 2023

This strategy was placed on hold during 2023 due to tranistion in the Health Education Supervisor position.


Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
% Change

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