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Healthy Schools Program

What We Do

The Healthy Schools Program Framework of Best Practices identifies specific criteria for a healthy school environment and serves as a guide for policy and practice change. It aligns with the 2017 School Health Index, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which reflects the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model (WSCC). The WSCC model recognizes the connection between health and academic achievement and promotes an inclusive, school-wide approach to student health. The CDC retains the full comprehensive School Health Index at, addressing seven health topics: physical activity and physical education, nutrition, tobacco use prevention, alcohol and other drug use prevention, chronic health conditions (e.g., asthma and food allergies), unintentional injury and violence prevention (safety), and sexual health.


How We Impact

This process allows for full participation in school wellness improvements from the classroom all the way up to district administrative staff. This engagement in the planning and prioritization process ensures better representation in decision-making and buy-in across the district as priority strategies are implemented. 

Who We Serve

We work in collaboration with the School Health Advisory Councils (SHACs) in each of our three school districts: Catawba County Schools, Hickory Public Schools, and Newton-Conover City Schools. In partnership with district staff and community partners serving on the SHAC, we support schools in participating in the Alliance for a Healthier Generations assessment-to-action process, which informs district-level priority setting. During the course of this CHIP, each district and SHAC have identified tobacco prevention policy and education as a top priority. 


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Current Target Value
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