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Common Language


Frequently Used Acronyms

AAP: American Academy of Pediatrics

ACC: Accountable Care Community

ACEs: Adverse Childhood Experiences

ACOG: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

BRFSS: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CNW: certified nurse midwife

CSPAC: Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Advisory Council

EBCI: Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians

FHLI: The Foundation for Health Leadership & Innovation

FPL: Federal Poverty Level

HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HNC: Healthy North Carolina

HPV: human papillomavirus

IUD: intrauterine device

KEA: Kindergarten Entry Assessment

LARC: long-acting reversible contraceptives

LE: life expectancy

LEA: Local Education Agency

LGBTQ: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer

MSM: men who have sex with men

NC AHEC: NC Area Health Education Centers

NC DHHS or NCDHHS: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

NC DPH: North Carolina Division of Public Health

NC DPI: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

NC EDSS: North Carolina Electronic Disease Surveillance System

NC SEAAC: North Carolina State Excessive Alcohol Advisory Committee (NCSEAAC)

NCHA: North Carolina Healthcare Association

NCIOM: North Carolina Institute of Medicine

OPDAAC: North Carolina Opioid and Prescription Drug Abuse Advisory Committee

PA: physician assistant

PHEC: Perinatal Health Equity Collective

PHSP: Perinatal Health Strategic Plan

PrEP: pre-exposure prophylaxis

SBIRT: Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment

SDOH: Social determinants of health

SHA: State Health Assessment

SHIP: State Health Improvement Plan

SNAP/EBT: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/Electronic Benefits Transfer

SSB: sugar-sweetened beverage

STI: sexually transmitted infection

SUD: substance use disorder

VA: Veterans Affairs

YRBS: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance

Co-Leaders and Members

Co-Leaders: A collaborative team leading a work group in identifying priorities, partners, and resources for action planning, etc. Refer to each work group for current co-leaders and work group members. 

Co-Leader Type
Work Group Members: A group of people who collaborate to achieve specific actions. Work groups may refer to committees, councils, collectives, etc. Refer to each work group for current co-leaders and work group members. 


Joining a Work Group: To join a work group or work groups, please complete the NC SHIP Community Council Interest Form. For additional information about the NC SHIP Community Council, contact Ashley Rink, NCSHIP Community Partnership Manager, at


Priorities are the policies and/or programs identified by the work group to take action on over the course of the next year.

Priority Development Agenda

The Priority Development Agenda is a list of policies and/or programs the work group considers important for future consideration and is not taking action on during this next year.

Potential reasons why a priority would be added to the priority development agenda:

  • Lack of resources (Specify the type of resources, such as materials, money/funding, staff, and/or other assets)
  • Lack of political support and/or viability
  • Other: Describe the reason the priority is not currently feasible and/or is being added to the priority development agenda.

Action Plan

The purpose of a work group's action plan is to describe what the work group plans to act on until June 2024 to advance the identified priorities. The timeframes for the work group’s action plans may extend past June 2024 to 2030. The indicators identified in Healthy North Carolina 2030 are in place until 2030. Action plans are fluid and will be updated throughout the year.

While work groups can use the format that works best for them for action planning, the recommendation is that at minimum the following be included for the action plan for each priority.

  • What will be done?
  • How will it be done?
    • (For example, describe how the action step or strategy will be implemented.)
  • Who will be involved in implementing the action step or strategy?
    • (For example, partners and/or who will be doing this.)
  • When will it take place?
    • (For example, what time period.)
  • How will success be measured?
    • (For example, how much did we do, how well did we do, and/or is anyone better off.)

Meeting Schedule

Work group meeting schedules vary and may be monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly depending on the work group. Refer to each indicator and work group for current meeting schedules. 

Meeting Notes

Notes from work group meetings throughout the year will be available in the section for Meeting Notes.


The Readings/Listenings include websites, articles, videos, and other relevant resources from the indicator pages in the 2023 NC SHIP report. 

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy