Co-Leaders and Members
Co-Leader Type
Alice S. Ammerman, DrPH
Director, Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
Rachel Pohlman, MPH, RD, LDN
Nutrition Director
Poe Center for Health Education
Tish Singletary, MA
Branch Head
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Work Group Members:
Pam Cook
Transportation Engineer |
NCDOT Transportation Planning Division
Mike Edwards, PhD
Associate Professor
NC State University
Sabrina Golling, MSW | Partnership Manager | MDC Rural Forward |
Katherine (Katie) Harmon
Research Associate
UNC Highway Safety Research Center
Kelly Kavanaugh, MPH, CHES
Built Environment and Early Care and Education Coordinator
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Leah Mayo, MPH, MCHES
Interim Assistant Dean Community Engagement & Health Equity, College of Health & Human Services
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Michelle Nance
Senior Director
Centralina Regional Council
Irene Ivie
Built Environment Health Policy Analyst & Coordinator, Office of Chronic Disease Policy & Prevention |
Mecklenburg County Health Dept
Alex Rotenberry, AICP
Planner II
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Laura Sandt
Interim Co-Director
UNC Highway Safety Research Center
Dianne Thomas | Built Environments for Active Living Supervisor, Office of Chronic Disease Policy & Prevention | Mecklenburrg County Public Health |
Jason Urroz
Kids in Parks
Kenneth Withrow
Senior Transportation Planner
The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Updated on 3/21/2024
2023-2024 Priorities:
Planning healthier communities with access to key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail, work).
Priority Development Agenda
- Increase, promote, improve, and maintain the number of safe and well-lit sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways to improve connectivity and accessibility.
- Planning healthier communities and places by prioritizing transportation systems and services.
Action Plan
Action Step |
Next Steps (Updated from co-leader meeting on 5/1/2024.) |
Updates (As of 5/1/2024.) |
Planning healthier communities with access to key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail, work) |
Create a list or directory of organizations/ individuals that are invested in statewide recreation and physical activity to “map” our network assets. |
Share priority with selected action step with work group members in a separate email than the meeting notes. |
Rachel, Alice, and Tish: Reviewed next steps at co-leader meeting on 5/1/2024 and emailed to work group. |
Ask Tish Singletary about potential connections with the All Ages, All Stages NC Plan, and any insights she can provide. |
From Tish Singletary: The All Ages, All Stages NC Plan is a resource the work group can refer to when considering accessibility for movement and activity across the lifespan related to the list/ directory. |
Ask NCDOT what elements of Active Routes to School still exist. |
From Latoya Caldwell, Safe Routes to School Coordinator, NCDOT: Active Routes to School is included under the Safe Routes to School umbrella of programs. |
Determine the following for creation of the list/ directory:
To be discussed at the work group meeting on June 11th.
Refer to example of NC Food and Nutrition Resource Programs Guide that was created in both as website and a PDF. Could the list/directory be housed on Eat Smart, Move More’s website?
Meeting Schedule
2023-2024 Access to Exercise Opportunities Work Group Meeting Schedule:
- Tuesday, October 24, 2023, from 12:00 to 2:00 pm, Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday, December 19, 2023, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday, February 27, 2024, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday, April 9, 2024, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday, June 11, 2024, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, Microsoft Teams
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Microsoft Teams- Work Group Meeting
Attendees: Pam Cook, Sabrina Golling, Katie Harmon, Kelly Kavanaugh, Rachel Pohlman, Dianne Thomas; Staff: Ashley Rink
- Welcome and Agenda Overview
- Rachel Pohlman welcomed everyone and asked for introductions and to share their favorite summer outdoor place.
- Review Meeting Notes from April 9, 2024
- The work group had identified the following priority and action step.
- Priority: Planning healthier communities with access to key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail, work)
- Action Step: Create a list or directory of organizations/ individuals that are invested in statewide recreation and physical activity to “map” our network assets.
- Priority: Planning healthier communities with access to key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail, work)
- The work group had identified the following priority and action step.
- Action Planning
- The group discussed the following questions related to action step, “Create a list or directory of organizations/ individuals that are invested in statewide recreation and physical activity to “map” our network assets.”
- What are the goals for creating this list?
- The goal of the inventory list is to identify statewide organizations involved in recreation and physical activity work. After those organizations are identified, the goal would shift to fostering collaboration and networking to build capacity.
- The group discussed involving additional statewide organizations in the work group to contribute insights into tools and better ways to drive people to resources and communicate what is available.
- Past engagement with planners and recreation partners during the Healthy North Carolina 2030 development process was noted (refer to page 10 for a list of people involved in that process).
- What are the parameters for the content? (Audience, accessibility, etc.)
- The inventory list will be an internal document for the work group for now.
- The work group can use the inventory list to understand how to better connect, share resources, and drive people to those resources to create coordination among land use, destinations, and access to exercise opportunities.
- What is the best format? (What essential information and links should be included?)
- The group decided since this will be an internal document that it would be best captured in a spreadsheet.
- For each organization, the name, website, points of contact, what they do, and resources they provide. Categories of resources provided would include data, education, funding, infrastructure resources, planning, policy training/ toolkits, and space for other additional options.
- The work group does have access to communications and graphic design resources if or when needed.
- What are other examples?
- A resource list of NC Food and Nutrition Resource Programs was shared as an example.
- Who are partners and organizations that should be included in the inventory?
- Potential organizations were discussed.
- The inventory list will include about 20 organizations.
- How will this be updated?
- This inventory list would be updated annually via survey.
- The NCSHIP Community Partnership Manager could assist in updating the list.
- Closing
- For next steps, work group members are asked to add to the inventory list spreadsheet.
- The NC SHIP Community Council Annual Meeting will be on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00 pm on Microsoft Teams.
- The next Access to Exercise Opportunities Work Group meeting has not been scheduled yet.
Tuesday, April 9, 2024, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Microsoft Teams- Work Group Meeting
Attendees: Alice Ammerman, Pam Cook, Sabrina Golling, Kelly Kavanaugh, Rachel Pohlman, Alex Rotenberry; Staff: Ashley Rink
- Welcome and Agenda Overview
- Rachel Pohlman welcomed everyone.
- Review Meeting Notes from February 27, 2024
- At the work group meeting on February 27, 2024, the group updated the priorities as follows:
- (Priority 1) Increase, promote, improve, and maintain the number of safe and well-lit sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways to improve connectivity and accessibility.
- (Priority 2) Planning healthier communities with access to key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail, work).
- (Priority 3) Planning healthier communities and places by prioritizing transportation systems and services.
- At the work group meeting on February 27, 2024, the group updated the priorities as follows:
- The following action steps were highlighted from the discussions at the previous meeting:
- (Priority 1) Promote use of sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways
- (Priority 1) Create a 101 workshop to help communities identify the first step for adding sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways.
- (Priority 3) Create a one-pager for funding options to share with communities related to transportation systems and services.
- Action Planning
- The results of the Action Step Strategy Survey were reviewed; 5 work group members completed the survey.
- The group discussed concerns about low meeting attendance and work group member engagement.
- The meeting agenda shifted from identifying action steps to member engagement. The group discussed:
- Resharing roles and responsibilities.
- Developing description of the work group and what is the mission of the work group.
- Identifying action steps/ strategies may be a driver of engagement.
- Communicating what the group has decided to work on.
- Wanting the meetings to be meaningful for group members that are attending meetings.
- Options for moving forward; resharing the survey and understanding who is going to be doing all the work.
- Choosing an action step/ strategy and then intentionally determining who to engage.
- The group decided to move forward with the action step below related to the following priority:
- Priority: Planning healthier communities with access to key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail, work)
- Action Step: Create a list or directory of organizations/ individuals that are invested in statewide recreation and physical activity to “map” our network assets.
- Priority: Planning healthier communities with access to key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail, work)
- The group discussed identifying organizations creating or improving recreation sites could include, land use, parks, cultural and natural resources, Cooperative Extensions, Active Routes to School, county, city, government, non-profits, and others, and not limiting to programs.
- The list/ directory will provide a list of engaged partners invested in statewide recreation and physical activity.
- Rachel shared as an example a resource guide that was created in both web and PDF versions.
- Closing
- The next work group meeting is on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm on Microsoft Teams.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Microsoft Teams- Work Group Meeting
Attendees: Alice Ammerman, Pam Cook, Sabrina Golling, Kelly Kavanaugh, Leah Mayo, Rachel Pohlman, Alex Rotenberry, Tish Singletary, Dianne Thomas; Staff: Ashley Rink
- Welcome and Agenda Overview
- Rachel Pohlman welcomed everyone and asked for introductions.
- Review Meeting Notes from December 19, 2023
- At the work group meeting on December 19, 2023, the group worked on refining the wording of the priorities. The group felt the third priority was encompassed in the first two priorities. The remainder of the meeting was spent on action planning for the first priority included below and considering what was realistic and needed to be fine-tuned.
- Increase, promote, improve, and maintain the number of safe and well-lit sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways to improve connectivity and accessibility.
- Planning healthier communities and places through transportation options that connect key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail).
- At the work group meeting on December 19, 2023, the group worked on refining the wording of the priorities. The group felt the third priority was encompassed in the first two priorities. The remainder of the meeting was spent on action planning for the first priority included below and considering what was realistic and needed to be fine-tuned.
- Review Homework Suggestions
- The homework for work group members from the last meeting was to:
- Review action plan suggestions.
- Invite work group members.
- The homework for work group members from the last meeting was to:
- Action Planning
- The group decided to approach action planning during the meeting by splitting time to focus on the priorities as one big group.
- The group started action planning with the second priority, “Planning healthier communities and places through transportation options that connect key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail).”
- The group discussed land use design was in the planning sector and transportation services was a separate sector and that there is a difference between transportation infrastructure and transportation services. There was an overlap with the strategies and that approaches would be different depending on whether the group was referring to destinations or transportation systems and services.
- Based on the discussion, the group supported separating the second priority into the following two priorities with one focusing on key destinations and the other focusing on transportation systems and services.
- (Priority 2) Planning healthier communities with access to key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail, work).
- (Priority 3) Planning healthier communities and places by prioritizing transportation systems and services.
- The group started discussing action planning for priority 3, then moved to priority 2, and ended with priority 1. Refer to the action planning document for strategies and related information added during the meeting.
- Closing
- The next work group meeting dates will be on:
- Tuesday, April 9, 2024, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday, June 11, 2024, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, Microsoft Teams
- The next steps related to the priorities and action planning in the order of discussion included:
- (Priority 3) Planning healthier communities and places by prioritizing transportation systems and services.
- Vote anonymously on level of support for the work group moving forward with strategy of creating a one-pager for funding options to share with communities related to transportation systems and services.
- Voting be on a scale of 1 (against it), 3 (could live with it, not excited about it), to 5 (excited and onboard with it).
- If the group agrees to moving forward with this strategy, then we would create a document to collect and organize the information and after that work with a graphic designer to make it accessible for people.
- Vote anonymously on level of support for the work group moving forward with strategy of creating a one-pager for funding options to share with communities related to transportation systems and services.
- (Priority 2) Planning healthier communities with access to key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail, work)
- Invite land use planners.
- (Priority 1) Increase, promote, improve, and maintain the number of safe and well-lit sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways to improve connectivity and accessibility.
- Vote on which action step/strategy the work group wants to move forward for this priority.
- Create a 101 workshop to help communities identify the first step for adding sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways.
- Promote use of sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways
- After determining which action step to move forward on, then start gathering information and who is not at the table that needs to be in that conversation.
- Vote on which action step/strategy the work group wants to move forward for this priority.
- (Priority 3) Planning healthier communities and places by prioritizing transportation systems and services.
- The next work group meeting dates will be on:
Tuesday, December 19, 2023, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Microsoft Teams- Work Group Meeting
Attendees: Alice Ammerman, Sabrina Golling, Kelly Kavanaugh, Leah Mayo, Michelle Nance, Rachel Pohlman, Alex Rotenberry, Tish Singletary; Staff: Hannah McDiarmid and Ashley Rink
- Welcome and Agenda Overview
- Rachel Pohlman welcomed everyone and asked for introductions.
- Review Meeting Notes from October 24, 2023
- Rachel Pohlman provided a high-level overview of the work group meeting on October 24, 2023. The purpose of the work group for this year was to review the priorities and identify how to move forward with the priorities identified. The work group began action planning at the previous meeting.
- Review Homework Suggestions
- The homework from the previous meeting included:
- Suggestions for refining wording of priorities and action plan items
- Suggestions for who needs to be invited to work group meeting
- Suggestions for refining the wording of priorities were discussed. The discussion included:
- Inclusion of planning products that are more tangible and can be quantified.
- Acknowledging who has control to make changes and influence changes.
- Being specific such as more than safety in general, saying increases in four-way stops, average speed limits, etc. If the priority is general, there could be specific action steps that are measurable and tangible.
- The funding sources for increasing are different than those to promote, improve, and maintain the number of safe and well-lit sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways to improve connectivity and accessibility.
- Education and encouragement were not included in the priority as they are more the method than the objective and would be measuring the policy, systems, or environmental changes.
- Recommended keeping the language for active mobility versus alternative transportation consistent with other state plans and groups, such as the Bike/Ped Work Group under the Governor’s Highway.
- The first priority’s focus is more about land use planning and the second priority’s focus is on transportation. Considerations for land use planning should reflect equity and social determinants of health. In rural communities there may be no destinations; when improving connectivity there must be something to connect to and acknowledging those connections support healthful living.
- The homework from the previous meeting included:
- Clarify Second Priority
- Those present were in favor of adopting the new wording for the second priority:
- Planning healthier communities and places through transportation options that connect key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail)
- Those present were in favor of adopting the new wording for the second priority:
- Discuss Optional Third Priority
- At the previous work group meeting, the group discussed potentially adding a third priority, “Increase opportunities for physical activity through the natural and built environment supported through multimodal mobility options.”
- Those present were agreement of not adding the third priority because it was redundant of the first two priorities.
- Action Planning
- At the previous work group meeting, the group focused on the first priority (Increase, promote, improve, and maintain the number of safe and well-lit sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways to improve connectivity and accessibility) about connectivity and having walkways and trails.
- The action plans are where the group can include some of those very specific measures and measures that would be addressing social determinants of health and equity. The action plans are for the work group and implementing, directing recommendations, and/or connecting with others doing the work is up to the work group. The action plans should include what the group is working on and resources, connecting and/or obtaining, could be included as action steps.
- The group discussed action planning for the second priority (Planning healthier communities and places through transportation options that connect key destinations (e.g. schools, medical facilities, food sources, parks, retail)) and added action steps to the action planning document. Additional information shared by work group members for future consideration is included after the action plans.
- The next step for the action plans is for work group members is to review the action steps and consider what is missing, realistic, and/or should be fine-tuned.
- Suggestions for who needs to be invited to work group meeting
- Another homework assignment from the previous meeting was to consider who was missing from the work group. The group reviewed and added to the document, Who Needs to be Invited to Work Group Meetings.
- Work group members are asked to invite others to join the work group. Sample language for work group members to use for inviting work group members will be shared.
- Closing
- The group discussed potential dates for the next work group meetings and potentially changing the meeting times from 1:00 to 3:00 pm to 2:00 to 4:00 pm. A Doodle Poll will be sent to the work group to determine the next meeting dates and times.
- The next steps for the work group are to :
- Complete Doodle Poll for next work group meetings in February, April, and June 2024.
- Review action plan suggestions.
- Invite work group members.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023, from 12:00 to 2:00 pm, Microsoft Teams- Work Group Meeting
Attendees: Alice Ammerman, Pamela Cook, Sabrina Golling, Katie Harmon, Irene Ivie, Kelly Kavanaugh, Leah Mayo, Rachel Pohlman, Alex Rotenberry, Tish Singletary; Staff: Hannah McDiarmid and Ashley Rink
- Welcome and Agenda Overview
- Rachel Pohlman welcomed everyone and asked for introductions. The icebreaker question was what their fall activity was.
- Grounding and Level Setting
- The purpose of the meeting was to provide grounding and level setting, review the priorities identified this past year, and identify how to move forward with the priorities identified. Group agreements, common language, the Year of Action asks, roles and expectations, and timeline were also reviewed.
- The 2023 NC SHIP report is now available. The pages for Indicator 7: Access to Exercise Opportunities are also available in a standalone document.
- The headline indicator is the percent of people with access to exercise opportunities; for the result statement the term physical activity opportunities was used to be more inclusive.
- Priority Review
- The purpose of the priority review was to determine if the priorities were clearly stated, were actionable, were resourced, and if they would continue to be a priority.
- The 2022-2023 Priorities from the 2023 NC SHIP report were:
- Increase, promote, improve, and maintain the number of safe and well-lit sidewalks, bike trails and lanes, walking trails, and greenways to improve connectivity and accessibility
- Promote, sustain, and expand multimodal transportation options to increase access to places for physical activity
- Action Planning
- The short and long-term strategies discussed during previous asset mapping were reviewed and are available on the 2022 NC SHIP Scorecard.
- The work group began action planning during the meeting.
- The work group discussed potentially adding the following as an additional priority.
- Increase opportunities for physical activity through the natural and built environment supported through multimodal mobility options
- Closing
- The next steps for the work group are to :
- Complete a Doodle Poll for a work group meeting date in December.
- Share suggestions to refine the wording for priorities.
- Share suggestions to fill in action plan items.
- Consider and share who needs to be invited to these meetings. (Some groups that are not represented include aging, differing abilities, and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI).)
- The next steps for the work group are to :
- America Walks- How to Conduct a Walk Audit in Your Community:
- CDC Active People Healthy Nation:
- CDC Moving Matters Communication Campaign:
- CDC Priority Strategy: Increasing Physical Activity Through Community Design:
- ChangeLab Solutions - The Planner’s Playbook: a community-centered approach to improving health and equity:
- Connect Beyond- A Regional Mobility Initiative:
- Creating Active Community Environments in South Carolina: A Grassroots Guide:
- Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina. 2020. North Carolina’s Plan to Address Overweight and Obesity.
- Move More Walk Now: Engage Your Community:
- North Carolina Department of Transportation- Complete Streets Policy:
- North Carolina Department of Transportation- Integrated Mobility Division: