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NC Opioid and Prescription Drug Abuse Advisory Committee (OPDAAC)


Co-Leaders and Members

Co-Leader Type
Mary Beth Cox, MPH
Substance Use Epidemiologist
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Amy Patel, MPH NCDHHS Overdose Prevention Program Manager NC Department of Health and Human Services



The Opioid and Prescription Drug Abuse Advisory Committee (OPDAAC) is a legislatively mandated statewide coalition tasked to increase coordination, communication, surveillance, and policy efforts surrounding the overdose epidemic in NC. Since 2010, NCDHHS has convened a wide network of partners quarterly to address prevention of overdoses. OPDAAC has evolved from its initial role of implementing the state’s opioid strategic plan to a community of practice to share emerging trends and impactful intervention programs. Anyone working to address the overdose epidemic is welcome to attend, such as those from harm reduction, treatment, recovery, community groups, families who have lost loved ones to overdose, first responders, healthcare partners, and academics. Meetings are designed to focus on priorities of the NC Opioid and Substance Use Action Plan (OSUAP); expert speakers and panelists present their work; participants have the opportunity meet and network with content experts and learn diverse perspectives. OPDAAC’s membership has grown from 80 participants to over 1,200 members representing a diverse network of partners working to address the overdose epidemic.


The following priority areas are from North Carolina’s Opioid and Substance Use Action Plan (OSUAP). For additional information refer to the current OSUAP and data dashboard at

  • Center Equity and Lived Experiences by acknowledging systems that have disproportionately harmed historically marginalized people (HMP), implementing programs that reorient those systems, and increasing access to comprehensive, culturally competent, and linguistically appropriate drug user health services for HMPs
  • Prevent future addiction and address trauma by supporting children and families
  • Reduce Harm by moving beyond just opioids to address polysubstance use
  • Connect to Care by increasing treatment access for justice-involved people and expanding access to housing and employment supports to recover from the pandemic together

Action Plan

The Opioid and Substance Use Action Plan broadens its focus to include polysubstance use and centers equity and lived experience (OSUAP, 2021). Strategies included in the action plan are available at   

The a data dashboard provides integration and visualization of state, regional, and county-level metrics for partners across North Carolina to track progress toward reaching the goals outlined in the NC Opioid and Substance Use Action Plan at


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