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Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Advisory Council (CSPAC)


Co-Leaders and Members


Co-Leader Type
Tony V. Locklear 

Tribal Liaison Consultant

                                                                                                                                                  Quality Assurance Coordinator

NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch

Hoke County Health Department

Anne L. Geissinger, MPH, RDN NCDHHS NC Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program Coordinator & Team Lead NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch
Sue Anne Pilgreen, MSN, RN, CPN Community

Manager, Eastern Carolina Injury Prevention Program

Manager, Pediatric Asthma Program

Executive Director, Safe Communities Coalition of Pitt County

ECU Health Medical Center, Greenville, NC


The Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Advisory Council (CSPAC) convenes suicide prevention professionals (Division of Mental Health/ Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services [DMH/DD/SAS], Department of Public Instruction [DPI]), loss survivors, attempt survivors, people who have accessed mental health, substance use, and intellectual and developmental disabilities (MH/SU/IDD) services, veterans, and special populations including Black, Latino/Hispanic, those that identify as person of color (POC) and LGBTQ+ youth to guide action plan components and implementation of strategies.

The CSPAC is not currently accepting new members. 

(Revised 1/11/2024)


The NC SHIP priorities were integrated into the existing Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Advisory Council (CSPAC). The North Carolina Suicide Prevention Action Plan (NC SPAP) acknowledges that suicide prevention is complex, and the plan is structured to implement comprehensive strategies in the following focus areas to reduce injury and death by suicide. Refer to the NC Suicide Prevention Action Plan for additional information about this plan, data and justification, strategies, and related actions. The policies included below are the focus areas for the NC SPAP. 

  1. Create a coordinated infrastructure
  2. Reduce access to lethal means
  3. Increase community awareness and prevention
  4. Identify populations at risk
  5. Provide crisis intervention with a specific focus on people with increased risk
  6. Provide access to and delivery of suicide care
  7. Measure our impact and revise strategies based on results

Action Plan

The North Carolina Suicide Prevention Action Plan is available at

Meeting Schedule

2023-2024 Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Advisory Council (CSPAC) Meeting Schedule:

  • Wednesday, August 9, 2023, from 10:00 to 11:00 am, Zoom
  • Wednesday, November 8, 2023, from 10:00 to 11:00 am, Zoom
  • Wednesday, February 14, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:00 am, Zoom
  • Wednesday, May 8, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:00 am, Zoom

Meeting Notes

May 1, 2024, Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Advisory Council (CSPAC) Meeting and Updates:

# Policy (Levers for Change) DPH Work Update


Implement policies targeted to decrease access to lethal means

Held third coalition meeting for Firearm Safety Teams 2/2024. Planning for next meeting to be held later in summer 2024.
2 Increase programs that provide mental health services and support for LGBTQ+ youth  Connected office creating assessment tool to be used with LGBTQIA+ populations in NC with LGBTQIA+ advocate in eastern NC.
3 Increase programs that provide mental health services and support for military veterans Gatekeeper training has been provided to 111 faith leaders, 138 members of faith communities, and 184 individuals who intersect with veterans.
4 Create trauma-informed schools with access to mental health providers  Achieved goal of working with DPI on SP training and education for staff; training How to be an Ally is available.  Additionally, DPI has located funding to allow teachers to pay for their substitute teachers allowing them to attend.
5 Modernization of data systems  DPH is currently working on this lever.
6 Expand rapid access to crisis services, including implementing the national 988 numbers DPH continues to include 988 and publicity materials in presentations at local and state level; provide link to partners for them to access free 988 materials including posters, magnets, etc.



February 14, 2024, Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Advisory Council (CSPAC) Meeting and Updates:

# Policy (Levers for Change) DPH Work Update


Implement policies targeted to decrease access to lethal means

Held second coalition meeting for Firearm Safety Teams 1/14/2024. Planning for next meeting to be held later in spring 2024.
2 Increase programs that provide mental health services and support for LGBTQ+ youth  Participated in review and edit of assessment tool to be used with LGBTQIA+ populations in NC.
3 Increase programs that provide mental health services and support for military veterans Gatekeeper training has been provided to 98 faith leaders, 138 members of faith communities, and approximately 184 individuals who intersect with veterans.
4 Create trauma-informed schools with access to mental health providers  Achieved goal of working with DPI on SP training and education for staff; training How to be an Ally is available.  Additionally, DPI has located funding to allow teachers to pay for their substitute teachers allowing them to attend.
5 Modernization of data systems  DPH is currently working on this lever.
6 Expand rapid access to crisis services, including implementing the national 988 numbers DPH continues to include 988 and publicity materials in presentations at local and state level. DPH just widely advertised that the 988 toolkit has become searchable.

November 8, 2023, Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Advisory Council (CSPAC) Meeting and Updates:

# Policy (Levers for Change) DPH Work Update


Implement policies targeted to decrease access to lethal means

Held initial coalition meeting for Firearm Safety Teams. Planning for next meeting to be held in spring 2024.
2 Increase programs that provide mental health services and support for LGBTQ+ youth  Awaiting to see if DPI obtains additional funding to support a second T4T for the How to Be An Ally training.
3 Increase programs that provide mental health services and support for military veterans Gatekeeper training has been provided to 98 faith leaders, 137 members of faith communities, and approximately 183 individuals who intersect with veterans.
4 Create trauma-informed schools with access to mental health providers  Achieved goal of working with DPI on SP training and education for staff; see update on Ally training above.
5 Modernization of data systems  DPH is currently working on this lever.
6 Expand rapid access to crisis services, including implementing the national 988 numbers DPH continues to include 988 and publicity materials in presentations at local and state level.  Invited DMH to present at CSPAC on ever expanding 988 initiatives including the expansion into ASL.

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