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Progress on CHIP

Pitt County Health Department is monitoring progress on its priorities through the programs and performance measures list below.  Click on the links for progress made in 2022. 

Priority Area: Maternal & Child Health 

  Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)

  Cribs for Kids - Safe Sleep Education

  NC Baby Love Plus

  Youth Development/Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program

  Parks and Facilities of Pitt County Wayfinding App

 Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) - Pitt Partners for Health (PPH) is working to increase the number of PE teachers in Pitt County Schools who are educated in the CATCH program. 

Priority Area: Chronic Disease Prevention 

  Kids In Parks TRACK Trails - PPH is continuing to promote TRACK Trails for the community.  PPH is working to get more providers on board to provide TRACK Trails Rxs to children. 

  Healthy Food Pantry - PHH is continuing to reach out to food pantries, particularly churches, helping to provide healthy food samples and recipes. 

  Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support  

  Cooking Matters at the Store (CMATS)

  Minority Diabetes Prevention Program-PCHD 

  MDPP-ECU Family Medicine

Priority Area: Mental/Behavioral Health

  Mental Health First Aid training 


Morbidity and Mortality Changes Since Last CHA

Maternal and Child Health

The infant mortality rate, the rate of infant deaths per 1,000 live births, is a common measure of maternal and child health, the community’s overall health and well-being that also tells the important story of equity within our community. Infant mortality is defined as the death of a child before their first birthday.

In 2019, Pitt County’s total infant death rate increased dramatically to 11.5 / 1,000 live births. The previous year’s (2018) total infant mortality death rate was 6.7 / 1,000 live births compared to 8.8 / 1,000 live births in 2017. Pitt County’s 2019 total infant death rate was almost double that of North Carolina’s total infant death rate of 6.8 / 1,000 live births. 

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Pitt County Health Outcomes

Health Outcomes represent how healthy a county is right now. They reflect the physical and mental well-being of residents within a community through measures representing not only the length of life but quality of life as well.

Pitt is ranked in the higher middle range of counties in North Carolina (Higher 50%-75%).

Pitt County Health Factors

There are many things that influence how well and how long we live. Everything from our education to our environments impact our health. Health Factors represent those things we can modify to improve the length and quality of life for residents. They are predictors of how healthy our communities can be in the future.

Pitt is ranked in the higher middle range of counties in North Carolina (Higher 50%-75%).


Emerging Issues Since Last CHA

New/Paused/Discontinued Initiatives Since Last CHA

Pitt County Health Department has been in a period of transition with significant changes in leadership.  The Health Director, Director of Nursing, Finance Officer and Nutrition Director (WIC) resigned.  The Environmental Health Director also transitioned to a new role.  In Fall of 2023, Wes Gray was appointed as the Pitt County Health Director.  The Director of Nursing, Environmental Health Director, Health Education Director/PIO and Finance Officer/Deputy Health Director roles were all filled in 2023. 

Farmville Community Kitchen

PCHD worked with the Farmville Community Kitchen and provided a commmercial ice machine through Healthy Communities funding.  This will allow the Farmville Community Kitchen to continue to serve meals to the community and maintain food safety. 

Healthy Food Pantry - DSS

While the food pantry was a wonderful program that we hope to start again, it is currently paused due to funding limitations. 

Town of Bethel

PCHD began working with Pitt County Planning, Pitt County Soil & Water and Pitt Partners for Health to re-establish and enhance a walking trail in the Town of Bethel. 

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy