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Recovery Friendly Workplaces

What We Do

Collectively, Randolph County Opioid-Drug Community Collaborative's prevention/connect to care workgroup is developing a recovery friendly workplace initiative utilizing evidence-based models employed by other states and organizations.  Recovery friendly workplace programs often include stigma reduction, assessing policies for supportive measures, partnering with human resources teams to enhance programs for employees, and encouraging development of recovery-oriented teams.  Building on the success of other federal/state agencies and nonprofit organizations, the partners have assessed the current landscape of recovery friendly employers in Randolph County through a survey.  Identifying employers who have been successful, the workgroup is collaborating to learn what has contributed to their success and additional resources/supports they may need to strengthen their results.  Through a phased approach, the workgroup is building a recovery friendly workplace program addressing varying levels of support for employees.

Recovery Friendly Workplace Programs

Recovery Ready Workplace

Who We Serve

The Recovery Friendly Workplace initiative seeks to serve Randolph County-based employers and residents with substance use disorders.

How We Impact

As employers adopt recovery friendly workplace policies, procedures, and supports, the workgroup expects a decrease in turnover among participating employers related to substance use disorders.  Additionally, an increase in confidence among employers in their ability to support employees is expected.  Among employees, increase in those seeking support from employers is expected.

Progress in 2023

The Randolph County Opioid-Drug Community Collaborative developed three workgroups aligning with the NC Opioid Substance Use Action Plan – prevention, harm reduction, and connect to care. As the 2022 Community Health Assessment committee selected substance use disorders as a priority, the workgroups participated in five facilitated, Results-Based Accountability strategic planning sessions from September 2022 – to February 2023. The workgroups created a results statement they seek to achieve. It reads, “All individuals in Randolph County affected by substance use disorders and mental health conditions are healthy, safe, and free of stigma”. The workgroups selected several strategies to focus their collective effort.

These included:

  • Advocate for recovery-friendly workplace policies with local employers (e.g., fair chance hiring, recovery support)
  • Reduce barriers to naloxone access through distribution and training on how to administer

Randolph County Adult Day Reporting Center, a county agency providing counseling and support services for adults with behavior health/substance use disorders and involved with the justice system, serves as the coordinator of the connect to care workgroup. Insight Human Services, a behavioral health and prevention services provider, serves as the coordinator of the prevention workgroup. As the two workgroups identified recovery friendly workplaces (RFW) as a primary strategy to focus their efforts, the workgroups merged their meetings and have been planning together. To prepare for program planning and implementation, the workgroup coordinators participated in RFW webinars and conferences. A Randolph County Commissioner facilitated a meeting in September 2023 with local community college, university, and chamber of commerce representatives to discuss the initiative and assess the best ways to engage employers. Workgroups resumed program planning/implementation meetings in late 2023. 

There is no data to be collected at this time. As part of action plans, community partners intend to report this data for FY2023-24.

Progress in 2024

The Connect to Care and Prevention workgroups resumed meetings in late 2023 and developed an action plan for the RFW project. The workgroups researched RFW initiatives in North Carolina and other states to identify best practices to incorporate into the RFW project. In February 2024, the workgroups held a Recovery Friendly Workplace interest meeting for employers with Recovery Friendly NC. To guide development of the RFW program and toolkit, they surveyed employers who attended the interest meeting to understand what information and tools employers would find helpful to implement an RFW program. The workgroups also identified employers interested in joining the pilot program, to review and provide feedback on the toolkit and other materials. Five employers spanning manufacturing and healthcare industries joined the pilot program. 

The workgroups have meet each month to collaborate on the toolkit. They prioritized four content areas based on the employer survey results:  Education, Practices and Procedures, Assessment and Quality Improvement, and Legal Considerations. As of September 2024, the workgroups are planning the first focus group with employers to review the toolkit.  

Action Plan

Action Steps Measure/Outcome Timeline
Goal 1: Evaluate Recovery Friendly Workplace Model Initiatives
Research Recovery Friendly Workplace (RFW) initiatives to identify best practices and example models.   April 2024
Identify and contact organizations that have or support RFW policies to learn about their initiatives. # of contacts to learn about RFW policies April 2024
Goal 2: Build the RFW toolkit
Research RFW tools (e.g., toolkits, education materials, sample policies, internal & external communications) Identified tools to adapt for our RFW program March 2024
Identify a group of employers to engage in the RFW pilot program and invite them to participate. Employers join pilot program April 2024
Develop toolkit to support RFW implementation.   January 2025
Engage employers in pilot program with regular progress updates and gather feedback on the toolkit.

Tools are simple and useful for employers

Employers in pilot are engaged throughout the development phase

January 2025
Goal 3: Increase the number of employers in Randolph County interested in implementing the RFW program
Develop materials (presentation, communications) for RFW information sessions. Materials developed, and are a template that can be used for future information sessions 2025
Create information session communication materials (email invite, registration, flyer, agenda) Communication materials developed, and can be used for future information sessions 2025
Provide information sessions for employers on RFW initiative (sessions led by the workgroup)

# of information sessions

# of employers attending

Goal 4: Support employers in Randolph County in implementing the Recovery Friendly Workplace Program
Design onboarding process for new employers interested in joining RFW program.    2025
Provide technical assistance to employers in developing an action plan for assessment, implementation, and monitoring of RFW programs. 

# of employers receiving support for RFW implementation

# of employers who are recovery friendly

Develop tools/templates for employers to use with staff regarding RFW policies and procedures.

RFW policies/procedures tools developed

Tools are simple and useful to employers

Goal 5: Evaluate implementation of RFW pilot program.
Survey/interview employers on experience in pilot program, RFW tools, and support received by the workgroup.    2025
Share survey and interview data with employers in RFW program, workgroup members, and collaborative.   2025


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