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2023 SOTCH Report

Progress on CHIPs

Please see the "Progress in 2023" note tabs under each program for 2023 updates. Additionally, each performace measure has 2023 updates.

Significant or Notable Changes in Morbidity or Mortality

The following represent significant morbidity and mortality changes in our community.

  • Leading Causes of Death Table
    • The change from 2020 to 2022 show an slight increase in Diseases of Heart deaths as it is still the leading cause of death.

(Citation: North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics (NC SCHS). (2020). Causes of Death. [Data tables]. Available from

  • NC Opioid Dashboard 


Emerging Issues Impacting Health

These are the new or emerging issues in our community in 2023 that were not identified as priorities in our CHA.

  • Lack of free or affordable mental health care 

New, Paused, or, Discontinued Initiatives, or, Activities

The following are new initiatives or changes in our community in 2023:

  • The Sugar Shock Program was put on hold during a vacancy in the Health Educator position. This program will resume in the Fall of 2024.
  • The Diabetes Education Program has held 3 classes, with 16 total participants. On average 60% of participants had a lower A1C after taking the class.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy