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Conduct community education about overdose prevention, symptoms and reversal.

What Is It?

Conducting community education about overdose was identified by the Substance Use Prevention Alliance as an action that, when combined with other actions in our community, has a reasonable chance of making a difference in unintentional medication and drug overdose in our community. This is a new program in our community.

The priority population/customers for conducting community education about overdose are individuals at risk of overdose and their loved ones, and community education about overdose aims to make a difference at the individual level. Implementation will take place through treatment providers, the homeless shelters and soup kitchens, family support groups and mass media.

This strategy addresses health disparities by educating individuals who are more likely to experience or witness an overdose.  

2020 Update:

North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition (NCHRC) continued to prioritize overdose prevention education and trained over 200 individuals in 2020 (NCHRC, 2020).  


The partners for conducting overdose education include:




Substance Use Prevention Alliance (Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Work Group) Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Work Group Members


NC Harm Reduction Coalition Gariann Yochym and Jesse-lee Dunlap


Open Door Soup Kitchen Bill Guy Collaborate
The Community Kitchen Allison Jennings Collaborate
Haywood Pathways Center Mandy Haithcox Collaborate
Drugs in Our Midst (Family Support Groups) Jean Parris Partner
Appalachian Community Services Tabatha Brafford Collaborate
Behavioral Health Group Jim Casey Collaborate
Groups Recover Together Joel Misler/Aubrey Masters Collaborate
Meridian Behavioral Health Services Amy Wilson Collaborate
Hazelwood Healthcare Matt Holmes Collaborate

Work Plan


Resources Needed 

Agency/Person Responsible 

Target Completion Date 

Obtain overdose prevention training packet        

Permission to use training packet, an electronic version of the packet and partners able to print copies.  

NC Harm Reduction Coalition

October 2019

Contact community partners to discuss opportunity

Staff time

Substance Use Prevention Alliance (Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention Work Group)

December 2019 

Schedule educational sessions and provide training packets to those conducting education

Staff time; partners able to print copies

Substance Use Prevention Alliance (Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention Work Group)

January 2019

Begin conducting educational sessions Staff time; meeting space Substance Use Prevention Alliance (Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention Work Group) March 2019
Begin evaluating performance measures Staff time, performance measure data Substance Use Prevention Alliance (Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention Work Group) May 2020


Evaluation & Sustainability

Evaluation Plan:

We plan to evaluate the impact of conducting community overdose education through the use of Results-Based Accountabilityâ„¢ to monitor specific performance measures. We will be monitoring How Much, How Well and/or Better Off Performance Measures. Our evaluation activities will be tracked in the Work Plan table, above. 

Sustainability Plan:

The following is our sustainability plan for community overdose education: 

  • Sustainability Components:
    • This is a low-cost program, as the training packet has no cost.  Minimal costs will be incurred when printing copies. 
    • Tracking performance measures will demonstrate program value to potential funders.  
    • The Substance Use Prevention Alliance is comprised of champions who are dedicated to promoting and providing overdose education.  

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy