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Implement the Catch My Breath curriculum for students who are found using tobacco on campus.

What Is It?

Catch My Breath (CATCH), a youth e-cigarette prevention program, was identified by the Substance Use Prevention Allliance as an action that, when combined with other actions in our community, has a reasonable chance of making a difference in youth substance use in our community. CATCH is a coordinated school health program, of which e-cigarette prevention is one component.  CATCH is part of the ''Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model'' developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  This is a new program in our community.  

The priority population/customers for Catch My Breath are students caught using or possessing tobacco on campus, and Catch My Breath aims to make a difference at the individual and organizational levels. Implementation will take place in schools.  

Catch My Breath addresses health disparities by addressing the sub-population of students who use tobacco and who may potentially experience its health effects.  

2020 Update: 

Catch My Breath has not been implemented at this time.  The COVID-19 pandemic and staffing changes posed challenges in offering this program.  Haywood County Schools (HCS) approved outreach to middle and high school principals about the Anti-Vaping Online Information Dissemination (AVOID) program.  As stated by the program, 'the Anti-Vaping Online Information Dissemination (AVOID) program is a media-based online prevention toolkit for vape prevention for middle and high school students (AVOID, 2021).'  In early 2020, several teachers and administrators expressed interest in this program (Mountain Projects, Inc, and The Mountaineer, 2020).  




The partners for this Catch My Breath include:




MountainWise Tobin Lee


Haywood County Schools Jill Barker


School Health Advisory Committee Chelsea Williams/Brandi Stephenson


Substance Use Prevention Alliance Youth Substance Use Prevention Work Group Members Support

Work Plan


Resources Needed 

Agency/Person Responsible 

Target Completion Date 

Present program to Assistant Superintendent

Visual presentation and printed materials

MountainWise/Tobin Lee

January 2020

Present program to principals

Visual presentation and printed materials

MountainWise/Tobin Lee

March 2020

Implement program at schools

Principal approval

Haywood County Schools/School Principals

October 2020

Evaluate program using selected performance measures Numbers of students and schools participating Haywood County Schools (School Health Advisory Committee).   May 2021


Evaluation & Sustainability

Evaluation Plan:

We plan to evaluate the impact of Catch My Breath through the use of Results-Based Accountabilityâ„¢ to monitor specific performance measures. We will be monitoring How Much, How Well and/or Better Off Performance Measures. Our evaluation activities will be tracked in the Work Plan table, above. 

Sustainability Plan:

The following is our sustainability plan for Catch My Breath: 

  1. Catch My Breath is available for free.  
  2. Performance measures will be reported to Haywood County Schools administrators and school board members.   
  3. Anecdotal evaluation will be obtained from staff members to determine successes, challenges and lessons learned.  

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy