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Emergency Medical Services


What We Do

Vermont’s Emergency Medical Services system (EMS) is an integrated system for providing emergency medical treatment and transportation of sick and injured patients. EMS responds to medical emergencies every day and deliver medical care in many unique and oftentimes dangerous environments. There are nearly 180 ambulance and first responder agencies in the state, and most of our nearly 3,000 licensed EMS personnel are volunteers. The Vermont Department of Health Emergency Medical Services program (VTEMS) has been responsible for certifying emergency medical personnel, and licensing ambulance and first responder services since the early 1970s. VTEMS conducts investigations into complaints, criminal charges and convictions made against EMS personnel and services. VTEMS inspects ambulances to ensure they are safe and adequately equipped.  VTEMS is a clearinghouse for information on the EMS workforce to assist in the management of the EMS system and fulfill specific requests for resources. 

Who We Serve

The Vermont Office of Emergency Medical Services provides vital services to all Vermonters, including support for first responders and statewide incident reporting. We work in collaboration with our partners to provide programs, education, and initiatives for EMS personnel and agencies to expand their scope of practice, increase their volunteer ranks and become more engaged in their community. Vermont EMS is available to all citizens, 24 hours/day, 365 days/year, irrespective of location, health care problem, or ability to pay.

How We Impact

The Vermont Office of Emergency Medical Services works on behalf of all Vermonters to ensure that the EMS system is adequately equipped and prepared to provide the best out-of-hospital emergency care possible.

Budget Information

This represents a portion of the Public Health appropriation #3420021000


Current Actual Value
Current Target Value

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