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Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) - Nutrition Services

What We Do

The Older Americans Act (OAA) Nutrition Services Program promotes the health and well being of older adults through access to nutritious meals, social contacts, nutrition screening, nutrition education, nutrition counseling and other services.

Who We Serve

Persons eligible for the OAA Nutrition Services Home Delivered Meals Program are age 60 or over who are unable to leave home without considerable difficulty and/or assistance; and experience a physical or mental condition making them unable to obtain food or prepare meals on a temporary or permanent basis.  Also eligible are the spouse, regardless of age, of an eligible person, and individuals under age 60 years of age, with a disability, who reside with an eligible person.

Preference is given to individuals who live in rural communities, are low-income, minority, limited English proficiency and at risk for institutional care.

How We Impact

Nutrition plays an important role in promoting good health and preventing disease.  For many older adults nutrition is integral to the management of chronic conditions and recovery from illness or hospitalization.  Participants in the Nutrition Services Program receive home delivered meals that provide at least 1/3 of the daily Recommended Dietary Allowances and follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 

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