How We Impact
Whole Hearts Minds and Bodies Program is a therapeutic mentoring program serving youth in Truckee and North Tahoe who suffer from symptoms of mental illness, emotional disturbance, and substance abuse. We serve youth who are classified as "early in emergence" as well as youth who have suffered longer term from mental illness.
Our program is focused on providing enough support to reduce the incidence of the following negative outcomes that may result from untreated mental illness: suicide, incarcerations, school failure or dropout, unemployment, prolonged suffering, violent outbursts against self and/or others, homelessness, and removal of children from their homes.
What We Do
Youth are treated in one-on-one sessions which last 4-5 hours one or two times per week. These sessions typically include outings in nature, exercise, and various therapeutic methods.
Sessions are led by trained therapeutic guides who work under supervision of licensed psychologists. The four tenets of our method are: 1. Authentic Relationship. 2. Connection to Nature. 3. Embodied Peak Experience. 4. Helping Others - Connection to Community through Service.
Who We Serve
Youth from 4 years old - 23 years old. These youth are referred from County Wraparound programs or are the youth of most concern to the team of TTUSD School Psychologists.
Current Case-Load is 28 youth.