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Success Beyond Six

What We Do

Success Beyond Six (SB6) is a Medicaid program provided in Vermont schools by local mental health organizations, Designated Agencies (DAs). SB6 has three main programs [1) School-Based Clinical Services, 2) School-Based Behavioral Services, and 3) Concurrent Education Rehabilitation and Treatment (CERT)] with each program being grounded in trauma-informed practices and evidence-based approaches. These programs operate with a focus on working with students in the context of their family, community, and in collaboration with other system partners. Partnering with SB6 programs allows Vermont schools to bring expertise in mental health practice to students and school-based teams while also providing the additional structure of clinical supervision, administrative support for billing and reporting, ability to link with other DA services, and oversight and accountability to the State.


Who We Serve

SB6 Programs support the following populations of Vermont students:

  • Medicaid-enrolled students with mental health concerns
  • School-wide efforts for mental health and wellness within a multi-tiered system of support
  • Students receiving Special Education services who have an emotional disability or other health impairment (e.g., ADHD)
  • Students receiving Special Education services who have intensive needs related to an autism spectrum disorder

How We Impact

Overall, the SB6 Programs focus on the outcome measure of whether Vermonters are better off as a result of these programs. The goal of SB6 is to deliver comprehensive mental health supports effectively to Vermont students, so they can be available to learn to their highest potential.

The SB6 programs report information about sutdents served, including aggregated levels of need and strengths. This information helps provide insight into the statewide needs of schools and students, areas of need that are positively impacted by the program, and areas that may need additional system response to be more effectively addressed or resolved. Annual reports and data can be found on the DMH website: Success Beyond Six (SB6) Reports | Department of Mental Health.

Budget Information

This represents a portion of appropriation #3150070000.

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