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P002: Public Health Division (FY17-FY19 Strategic Plan)


What We Do

The Public Health Division (PHD) fulfills the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) mission by working with individuals, families, communities and partners to improve health, eliminate disparities, respond to health threats, and ensure timely access to quality, culturally competent health care.

Who We Serve

The Public Health Division serves all New Mexicans. PHD staff members promote healthy lifestyle choices in all of their work, and they provide safety net clinical services to New Mexicans who cannot otherwise access these services.

How We Impact

Public Health assures access to health care through case management, and through recruitment and retention efforts including the J-1 Visa Program, licensing of midwives, tax credits for rural health providers, and administering funds for rural primary health care providers throughout the state.


FY17 OPERATING BUDGET: $180,649,400

  • General Funds: $54,441,000
  • Other Transfers: $16,590,300
  • Federal Funds: $72,586,900
  • Other State Funds: $34,079,200
  • Fund Balance: $2,952,000


During FY17, some of PHD’s accomplishments included:

  • Albuquerque Metro area WIC offices served over 6,000 lunches over the summer.
  • The New Mexico Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection (BCC) Program provided free, age-appropriate breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to 6,083 low-income women. 
  • With funds from the Brindle Foundation, PHD purchased ad space through National CineMedia to increase awareness of effective birth control methods and clinic locations. Ads ran in February (for Valentine’s Day) and in May (for prom, graduation, and Teen Pregnancy Prevention month). The click through rate for the ads for both campaigns was more than 10 times higher than industry standards.
  • There were 812 successful opioid overdose reversals reported to the Harm Reduction Program in 2016, a 78.5% increase since 2012. This was achieved by distributing 6,430 doses of naloxone and enrolling 2,175 new participants in the program.
  • The Immunization Program and the New Mexico Pediatric Society (NMPS) launched a Human Papilloma Virus initiative to protect youth from HPV-related diseases, helping providers dispel myths about the vaccine and communicate the threat posed by HPV. Statewide coverage rates are steadily rising. 
  • The Prevention of Child abuse and Neglect (PCAN) ECHO pilot was completed on November 15, 2017 concluding with the graduation of 16 Community Health Workers and Home Visitors. 

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