Budget information
What We Do
Case Management through both the Older Americans Act (OAA) and Choices for Care Long-Term Care Medicaid program provides eligible Vermonters with person centered guidance and support in developing a care and service plan that supports individual goals for health and well-being, including the individual’s ability to live in the setting of their choice. Often case management involves seeking out and coordinating access to additional services and supports for individuals, couples and families to promote healthy and safe aging in community over a sustained period of time.
Who We Serve
Choices for Care case management serves Vermonters who are both financially and clinically eligible for nursing-home level of care. OAA case management can be provided to Vermonters age 60 and older and their family caregivers who are not eligible for Choices for Care but who are in economic and social need for this support. Often those served have multiple chronic conditions, are socially isolated, and have a complexity of needs to be addressed to support their capacity to age well in community.
How We Impact
Case management services are overseen by DAIL and provided through the five Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) across the state, who each have a team of certified case management staff able to visit older Vermonters in their homes to provide these services. In the home, case managers are able to share information about options, screen for health risks, identify hazards or adaptive needs of the home, and work with the person to develop a plan of care and support that best meets their self-identified goals and needs. This person-centered, in home service ensures that more older Vermonters are able to age in the setting of their choice and have their unmet needs addressed, ultimately preventing or delaying the need for long-term institutionalized care.