What We Do
Family planning is one of the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century. A priority of the Vermont Department of Health is to increase the percent of pregnancies that are healthy and planned. The Division of Maternal and Child Health supports programs and initiatives that strengthen the family planning system in Vermont.
The Health Department administers the Title X Family Planning Services Program. This work is carried out in partnership with Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, and supports Title X services in 10 Planned Parenthood clinics across the state. The goal of Vermont's Title X program is to provide high quality clinical family planning and related preventive health services, education and counseling to Vermonters who would otherwise not have access, with a special focus on low-income and rural populations.
For more information visit: http://healthvermont.gov/children-youth-families/f...
Who We Serve
We work to ensure that women and men across Vermont have access to quality family planning services, including services that support achieving a healthy pregnancy, preconception health care services, contraceptive services and screening for and treating sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS.
How We Impact
Family planning helps individuals prevent unplanned pregnancy or
achieve intended pregnancy. Family planning empowers individuals to
exercise personal choice in the number and spacing of children they have
– even if the choice is not to have children. Family planning
contributes to improved health outcomes for infants, children, women and