What We Do
Cancer is a chronic disease affecting thousands of Vermonters. More people die from cancer than any other cause of death in Vermont. Comprehensive Cancer Control (CCC) is “an integrated and coordinated approach to reduce the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of cancer through prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation.” The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides funding for states, tribes and territories to create broad-based partnerships to develop strategic plans for cancer prevention and control within their jurisdictions. The Vermont CCC program formed its planning partnership in 2004 (Vermonters Taking Action Against Cancer-VTAAC) and published its fourth five year Vermont Cancer Plan in 2016.
Who We Serve
Our goal is to reduce the burden of cancer for all Vermonters by enhancing efforts to prevent, detect and treat cancer as well as improve the lives of cancer survivors and their families.
How We Impact
The Vermont Department of Health Comprehensive Cancer Control (CCC) program supports activities in which communities and partner organizations pool resources to reduce the burden of cancer. The 2016-2020 Vermont Cancer Plan, published by the Vermont CCC program and the statewide cancer coalition Vermonters Taking Action Against Cancer (VTAAC), provides a strategic roadmap for reducing the burden of cancer in Vermont. The CCC program, VTAAC, and our network of community, clinical and nonprofit partners work to coordinate evidence-based priority activities based on the Vermont Cancer Plan to reduce tobacco use among Vermonters.