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Grant Performance Report Instructions


Dear Project Director:

In your Promise Scorecard, you will find instructions, forms and scorecards for the U.S. Department of Education's (ED) 2024 APR drawing from the ED Standard Form 524B. In accordance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), 34 CFR 75.253, recipients of multi-year discretionary grants must submit an Annual Performance Report demonstrating that substantial progress has been made towards meeting the goals the project established in alignment with the Promise Neighborhood results and indicators under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

Due Date: The APR is due by August 30, 2024, by 5:00 EDT.  When you are ready to submit your report, click the submit button on the top of this Scorecard.  This will send an email to your program officer, your TA liaisons, and Clear Impact.  We will then review your scorecards to make sure all the information is complete and contact you if any changes are needed before March 31st when we will lock your AD HOC REPORT Scorecards.  If you need to enter any data after March 31st you must contact your Program Officer and Dan Duncan at

Report Format: The ED 524B contains the following sections: Cover Sheet, Executive Summary, and Section A: Project Status; Section B: Budget Information; and Section C: Additional Information, Section D: Data Sources, and Section E: Data Plan and Targets.

Required Reporting Items: Your Ad Hoc Report should fully describe your project's progress from January 1, 2024 – une 30 2024.

Cover Sheet

Download and complete the attached ED 524B Cover Sheet with the appropriate information. For further details, please see the Cover Sheet section with instructions and the attached document on the Grant Performance Report Scorecard.

Required Signature: The Authorized Representative must sign the cover sheet of this report (attached in the Cover Sheet section). You must also scan and upload the signed cover sheet to the Scorecard for access by your respective Program Officer. Also, keep a signed copy for your records in the event your ED program officer requests a hard copy.

Executive Summary

To assist grantees summarize your Successes and Opportunities for each GPRA and reduce duplications a new Executive Summary Structure has been created to include information for each GPRA and we have removed the "Story Behind the Curve" and the "Strategy Responses Based on Your Story Behind the Curve Analysis" Notes. The information previously in those Notes will now be included in the Executive Summary.

Section A: Project Status - Performance Objectives (aka Results & GPRAs)

The Project Status section is divided into three subsections, which can be found on three different scorecards:

  • ED AD HOC REPORT & Ad Hoc Academic Achievement Indicator Library (GPRA 1 - GPRA 5) - FY 21 Grantees
  • ED AD HOC REPORT & Ad Hoc Family & Community Supports Indicator (GPRA 6 - GPRA 10) - FY 21 Grantees
  • ED AD HOC REPORT & Ad Hoc Optional Denominators Scorecard (GPRAs 1-10) - FY 21 Grantees

All grantees must provide quantitative and qualitative data/narrative information for each GPRA. (For further details, please see Section A: Project Status Report section for instructions on how to complete the quantitative and qualitative information.)

Section B: Budget Reporting Information

The budget period for this report is from January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023. This information will be required for Match funds as well. In addition to the information included in the ED-524B Budget Form, you must provide a budget narrative. Please see the Budget Information section on the Ad Hoc Report Budget Reporting - Section B for further details.

Section C: Additional Information for the 2024 APR

This section asks the grantee to address several questions related to your activities, technical assistance and other issues to help DOE understand your plan for sustainability and help provide guidance to future grantees.

Note: For this report we have added a new form to complete the Cradle-to-Career tables. Tables A.1–A.4, list each solution organized by cradle-to-career areas. Each grantee will receive a customized document from their site liaisons populated with solutions proposed in their original grant application and subsequently documented in their Needs Assessment report. After receiving your customized document, grantees will update the columns highlighted in yellow. Grantees will submit their updated Word document with their ad hoc submission.

Section D: Data Sources Information 

To reduce the duplication of responses and provide more information about the various data sources used for each GPRA this section includes specific questions that only need to be answered once for each of the following data sources. Note: for each of the GPRAs there is a link to the appropriate Data Source if the grantee wants to review or add any additional GPRA specific information.

  • Neighborhood Survey
  • School Climate Survey
  • Alumni Survey (if applicable)
  • Administrative Data
  • GPRA 1 (Age-appropriate functioning assessments)
  • GPRA 2 (Student academic assessments)
  • GPRA 3 (attendance)
  • GPRA 4 (Graduation Rate)
  • GPRA 5 (Third party Post-Secondary Data)
  • GPRA 8 (Mobility)

Section E: Data Plan 

This section is a central place to upload your Data Plan and Approved Targets. Note: for each of the GPRAs there is a link to the Data Plan if the grantee or reviewer wants to access the Data Plan from an individual GPRA.

Important Dates




  • Ad Hoc Webinar


  • January 16, 2024



  • Open Scorecard System


  • June 11, 2024


  • APR Reporting Deadline


  • August 30, 2024



  • Period of Performance


  • January 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024




  • Budget Periods


  • Actual - January 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024


  • Projected – July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024


Attaching Files

Please note that all forms are attached as embedded links behind the name of the form. For example, if you click Federal Financial Report form 425A in the budget information section, the form will download to your computer or open in a new internet tab.

Once you complete the attached forms, you will need to upload them to each section using the Upload Files in the File Attachments section at the bottom of each page.

To upload files, complete the following steps:

-Login to the Scorecard

-Navigate to the ED APR & Ad Hoc 524B Scorecard Report

-Choose the section that you are working on, e.g. Budget Information, Executive Summary, etc.

-Select Upload Files on the bottom right

-Choose the file to upload

Files that must be uploaded include: Coversheet, Federal Financial Forms, Budget Worksheets, and Data Plan and Targets.

You have the option to either upload or embed directly in the text boxes the Executive Summary and the Budget Narrative.

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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