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Reduce the burden of respiratory diseases


Why Is This Important?

                                              Last Updated: September 2018

                                                                              Author: Asthma Program, Vermont Department of Health

Asthma is a complex chronic disease that affects 11% of all Vermont adults and 8% of Vermont children (2014 BRFSS). The Vermont Asthma Program, supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), works to reduce the burden of asthma through strategic partnerships, tailored interventions within highest risk target populations and geographical areas, and promoting optimal asthma care to minority populations in a culturally sensitive manner. Below are several indicators that help measure how asthma affects Vermonters: hospitalizations and emergency department visits attributed to asthma as a primary diagnosis, utilization of a current asthma action plan, and the ability to recognize and reduce environmental triggers known to exacerbate asthma symptoms. These indicators follow guideline-based care guidelines for the proper management of asthma.

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