Why Is This Important?
Graduation rates are an important metric of student and school success. API is an accountability measurement of student performance on the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) program and the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Since API not only measures a school's overall student performance,but also the performance of its significant subgroups, a school can fine tune its program to meet the needs of all students.
How are we doing?
TTUSD graduation rates are in the same range as the rest of Placer County, which scores higher than the state's average.
Examining the overall API scores for 2012, TTUSD is at 815 versus 851 for Nevada County, 659 for Placer County and 791 for the state. This shows a marked increase from 2006, when TTUSD’s API scores were at 780 and compares favorably to the statewide and Placer County scores.However, if you look at the scores by sub-groups, there is a significant gap. Students who are identified as “socioeconomically disadvantaged scored at 726 in TTUSD, 92 points below the district-wide average, versus 697 statewide. English learners in TTUSD are at 684, 134 points behind the student body as a whole, compared to 651 at the state level.
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