Why Is This Important?
Nurturing, stimulating childcare helps young children get along with others, reach developmental milestones, and start school ready to succeed. The availability of quality childcare has a tremendous impact on each child, such as whether the child behaves or “acts out” or is prepared for school. Today, many families consist of parents who must work, leaving the care of their children in the hands of others. Those who cannot get their child (or children) into a licensed childcare facility run the risk of having unqualified childcare supervision or no supervision at all.
How are we doing?
SNCS and PCOE provide free childcare referrals to anyone in the community regardless of income. Just as low-income families are impacted by the high price of childcare, they also suffer disproportionately from childcare shortages. Access to childcare is hardest for low-income working families who are not on welfare. In 2012, 58% of preschool age children qualified for state preschool (under 70% of state median income). In Nevada County, 61% of preschool age children qualified.
In North Lake Tahoe, the number of childcare slots has dropped from 305 in 2007 to 250 in 2013.
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