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Group Lifestyle Balanced


What We Do

The Group Lifestyle BalanceTM Program provides education, encouragement, and necessary tools to help individuals reach their healthy lifestyle goals. This program is designed for non–diabetic, overweight adults at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The program includes 12-week Core sessions, 4 bi-weekly/monthly Transition sessions, and 6 monthly Support sessions. Participants are taught how to self-monitor weight, how to track and learn more about healthy eating/physical activity, as well as how to problem-solve and stay motivated. The goals of Group Lifestyle BalanceTM Program are for participants to lose 7% of weight through healthy eating and to consistently complete 150 minutes of brisk, physical activity each week.

Who We Serve

The Group Lifestyle BalanceTM Program provides education, encouragement, and necessary tools to help individuals reach their healthy lifestyle goals. This program is designed for non–diabetic, overweight individuals age 18 and older who have pre-diabetes and/or metabolic syndrome, conditions that increase the risk for developing Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

How We Impact

The Group Lifestyle BalanceTM is a lifestyle change program which focuses on healthy eating and increasing physical activity. The goals for the program are for participants to achieve weight loss of 5-7% and for them to maintain 150 minutes of brisk physical activity each week. The GLB focuses on 3 components: nutrition, activity, and behavioral changes. As a result of making healthy lifestyle changes, many individuals do lose weight, as well as reduce their risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The evidence–based Group Lifestyle BalanceTM program, adapted from the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), is designed to help individuals make lifestyle changes to both prevent diabetes and prevent or treat the metabolic syndrome.


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