What We Do
“5210 is a community-wide plan to improve the health of families and children. 5210 spreads a common message throughout communities, where families work, live, and play. The 5210 message represents four healthy behaviors children should achieve each day.
Parallel campaigns have been developed for military and civilian communities. The 5210 Healthy Together campaigns provide tips for a variety of people and places to help children meet the 5210 goals every day.”
To access program handouts and learn more please visit the 5210 website
Who We Serve
School-aged youth and their families as well as all school staff and administration.
How We Impact
We support schools in implementing policy, systems, and environmental changes which support healthy lifestyle changes. Our challenge is to recruit all Cabarrus County schools by 2025. This effort has been supported by both the Cabarrus County School and Kannapolis City School superintendents.
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