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Naloxone Distribution

What We Do

Naloxone distribution in Montgomery County is a collaborative-based program supported by opioid settlement funds and the Sandhills Opioid response consortium. This program is dedicated to providing life-saving doses of naloxone and opioid overdose reversal medication to individuals seeking access to care. Peer support specialists supported through funding from local government and private entities ensure widespread availability of naloxone through collaboration with community organizations and first responders. Peer support specialists engage in trainings to reduce the stigma surrounding substance misuse. 

Who We Serve

All people in Montgomery County seeking access to naxolone. 

How We Impact

The naloxone distribution program in Montgomery County serves a diverse population reaching underserved and vulnerable people at risk for substance misuse. By attending community outreach events for naloxone distribution, peer support specialists are able to create lasting relationships with individuals seeking assistance around substance misuse and help develop strategies to lead them on a path to recovery. 

Progress in 2022-2023

Funding for a peer support specialist position was secured through the partnership of Montgomery County and FirstHealth of the Carolinas. The position was quickly filled with a trained individual. The goal of the PSS was to increase access to recovery and care resources along with providing harm reduction kits to all people in Montgomery County where this resource was previously limited. Each harm reduction kit includes naloxone, fentanyl test strips, & materials to help connect people to resources available for substance use disorders. Naloxone is given to any requesting organization after completing a mandatory stigma training, or immediately to any individual at their request to equip the community to reduce deaths caused by overdose.


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