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2020 Community Health Assessment

Executive Summary

Introduction and Vision

Healthy Cabarrus, housed within the Cabarrus Health Alliance, the public health authority of Cabarrus County, was created in 1997 as a multi-sector initiative designed to work collaboratively with community partners to improve the health of those who live, work, learn, play, pray and utilize services in Cabarrus County. Part of the collaborative responsibilities includes overseeing the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) process every four years. While its mission includes the mobilization of community partners, its vision for conducting the county’s Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) is to not only identify the top needs, and develop community health improvement plans with strategies that can effectively address those issues faced by residents.

Healthy Cabarrus Missions: United through partnerships, we commit our time, talents and financial resources to create a health community and hopeful future for all.

With an understanding of social determinants of health, Healthy Cabarrus recognizes that an individual’s health is determined by more than just their physical well-being. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a person’s health is impacted by access to social and economic opportunities; the resources and supports available within their homes, neighborhoods, and communities; the quality of schools; the safety of their workplaces; the cleanliness of their water, food, and air; and the nature of their social interactions and relationships.

Social determinants of health are issues far too complex for one group or agency to solve alone. While Healthy Cabarrus does not provide direct services to the community, they provide ongoing support to community partners by guiding community strategy development, identifying resources, and helping to create evaluation measures.

Leadership, Partnerships and Collaborative Process

Cabarrus Health Alliance, along with Healthy Cabarrus’ five-member Executive Committee, made up of external community stakeholders, oversees the CHNA process and ongoing community collaborative efforts. The 2020 CHNA launched with the development of the Community Planning Council (CPC) on September 19, 2019. The Cabarrus County Community Planning Council is made up of a diverse, multi-sectoral group of representatives including more than 40 individuals. The primary role of CPC members is to support primary and secondary data collection; assist with analyzing data and information collected; and interpret county data and community feedback to identify the top priority issues facing residents of Cabarrus County.

Healthy Cabarrus Executive Committee Members
Atrium Health Cabarrus Tri Tang, Chair
BCI Investgations and Consulting Merl Hamilton, Vice Chair
Cabarrus County Government Mike Downs
Concord Housing Department Angela Graham
Rowan Cabarrus YMCA Brent Rockett


Community Planning Council Number of Partners
Pubilc Health Agency  2
Hospital/Health Care System 2
Healthcare PRovider - other than behavioral Health 4
Behavioral Health Provider 1
EMS, Law Enforcement, Court System 4
Local Government 7
Non-profit Organizations 6
Business - employers, not organizations 4
Education - early childhood, K-12 and high education 4
Media/Communication Outlets 1
Public Community Members 3
City and County Service Systems 4

Contracted Services
Cabarrus Health Alliance established a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with North Carolina Central University to receive epidemiological support throughout the CHNA process. This support included review of survey tools, focus group discussion questions, and the collection and analysis of data.
The Healthy Cabarrus Executive Director supervised a University of North Carolina – Gilling’s School of Public Health master’s practicum student who contributed to the CHNA process by analyzing the community member survey responses by race/ethnicity, income and zip code. The practicum student also reviewed data for correlating factors and trends in subpopulation responses.

Theoretical Framework and Model
Healthy Cabarrus uses the North Carolina Division of Public Health’s eight-phase community health assessment process.
1. Establish CHNA Leadership Team: The Healthy Cabarrus Community Planning Council represents a diverse group of community sectors, such as the business sector, social services, community members, faith leaders or representatives, as well as transportation and housing experts.
2. Collect primary data: Community Member Survey, Key Informant Survey, and Focus Groups
3. Collect secondary data: Gather data from local, state and national-level sources, along with data surrounding social determinants of health. CPC members are also responsible for compiling and sharing data that their organizations capture.
4. Analyze and interpret county-level data: Host monthly data review sessions with Community Planning Council and other subject-matter experts.
5. Determine health priorities: Review data and conduct priority ranking with Community Planning Council members and stakeholders from key groups. Include priority ranking questions within Focus Group sessions and Community Member Survey.
6. Create CHNA document.
7. Disseminate CHNA document: Distribute throughout the community by reaching out to media outlets, conduct and participate in community meetings, and share findings with key stakeholders.
8. Develop Community Health Improvement Plans: Plan to address health priorities identified in the CHNA and how progress will be measured in the short- and long-term.

To find previously submitted action plans and progress to date on the 2016 priority needs, please visit and review Cabarrus’ annual State of the County Health Report (SOTCH).

Next Steps
The Healthy Cabarrus Community Planning Council presents this report as a call to action. The CHNA process is intended to inform community stakeholders, as well as community members on how collectively and individually they all play a role in creating a healthier community for the residents of Cabarrus County. The results of this report will be distributed in the community through multiple communication platforms and channels.

By September 2021, key stakeholders and community members will be identified and convened to assist with the development of community health improvement plans for each identified priority need. As instructed by the CPC and Healthy Cabarrus Executive Committee, Healthy Cabarrus staff will urge partners and community members to apply an equity lens to all proposed and recommended strategies, ensuring a positive impact among marginalized populations. When necessary, community coalitions/taskforces will be established to carry out action plans.


  1. Housing (CHNA pg. 23, 63)
  2. Mental and Behavioral Health (CHNA pg. 23, 73)
  3. Early Childhood Education and Development (CHNA pg 23, 52)

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