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Monoclonal Antibody Therapy Program

What is it?

Monoclonal Antibody treatment Program was identified by Clay County Health Department as an action, that when combined with other actions, has a reasonable chance of making a difference in COVID-19 as it relates to Acute Respiratory Infections in our community. This is a new program in our community.

The customers for the Monoclonal Antibody treatment program are those who have a risk of being hospitalized with COVID-19, and the program aims to make a difference at the individual level. The primary goal was to provide a pro-active treatment for our citizens to minimize the potential seriousness and side effects which can arise from COVID-19. Simultaneously, we want to keep mild and moderately symptomatic patients from being hospitalized which will help relieve some of the stress on our local facilities and emergency services. Implementation took place at the Clay County Senior Center and was moved to Clay County Health Department a few months after implementing the program.


The partners for this Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Program include:



Erlanger Western Carolina Hospital


Chatuge Family Practice

Support and collaborate

County Leadership

Lead, Collaborate, and Support

State EMS

Collaborate and Support

Community Paramedic

Lead, Collaborate, and Support

Clay County Senior Center



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