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MAC's Diner (Meals for Alamance County Students)

What We Do

Meals for Alamance County Students (MAC’s Diner) was established to bring hot, nutritious meals to children in areas of high concentration of need.

Who We Serve

The summer feeding program at both sites and food trucks permits the distribution of meals for ANY children 18 and under.

How We Impact

There are approximately 12,000 students in the Alamance-Burlington School System who qualify for free or reduced meals during the school year, which is 52% of the student population. During summer recess, these students do not have access to healthy food for two and a half months. The ABSS Nutrition Services offers meals at various sites throughout the county during the summer. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the number of children needing food was more than 12,000 children served during the 2019-20 school year alone. The food truck was made possible through concerned community members raising funding and from an Impact Alamance grant.

Progress on this program 2021-2023


Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
% Change

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