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Narcan Distribution Program

What Is It?

Harm reduction is an evolving set of practical strategies to meet people where they are in their behaviors to promote safer options. This approach can reduce the risks that may be involved with the behavior and supports healthier practices more long-term.

For overdose prevention, harm reduction recognizes a range of drug use practices and promotes ways for people to manage their drug use with a variety of support options. Syringe services programs, community-based naloxone distribution, and drug-checking are all harm reduction techniques that reduce the risks associated with drug use. Harm reduction is also a philosophy that people who use drugs deserve to protect themselves and their loved ones, regardless of whether they seek additional health services.

Naloxone Access

A standing order is a medical order that authorizes the dispensing or distribution of a medication, like naloxone or the flu vaccine, to any person who meets criteria designated by the prescriber. North Carolina’s statewide standing order for naloxone, signed by the State Health Director, authorizes any pharmacist practicing in the state of North Carolina and licensed by the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy to dispense naloxone to any person who meets set criteria. These criteria include:

  • Being at risk of opiate-related overdose due to medical conditions or history;
  • Being the friend or family of someone at risk of opiate-related overdose, thus being able to respond in case of overdose; and
  • Being in the position to assist another person at risk of opiate-related overdose.

Naloxone is available under the statewide standing order, without a prescription, at the majority of retail pharmacies in North Carolina and is covered under most insurance policies. First signed in June 2016, North Carolina is the third state in the country to adopt a statewide standing order for naloxone. 

Macon County Public Health, Western North Carolina Aids Project, No Wrong Door assist in the distribution of Narcan/naloxone kits in Macon County. 



The partners for this [insert program type] include:




Western North Carolina Aids Project  


Macon County Public Health   Collaborate
No Wrong Door   Collaborate

Progress in 2022

Progress in 2023


Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
% Change
May 2024

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