Story Behind the Curve
The "Story Behind the Curve" helps us understand the causes and forces at that work that explain the data behind [state the performance measure] and the resources the [insert facility, agency, organization] plans to commit to address the health issue.
What's Helping Communities Served/Customer Change? These are the positive forces at work that influence customer change.
- Providing demonstrations and take home instructions on what to do if Narcan is used.
What's Hurting Communities Served/Customer Change? These are the negative forces at work that influence customer change.
- Worry of harming indivudal who is overdosing
2022 Progress Update:
- The program is set to begin in 2023. There is no data for participants who feel safe using narcan at this time.
What Works
The following actions have been identified by our agency as ideas for what can work for this performance measure to make a difference on unintnetional overdoses.
Actions and Approaches Identified by Our Agency These are actions and approaches that we think can make a difference for this performance measure.
- Giving handout cards of instructions of how to use Narcan after training for a constant reminder.
- Offering refresher trainings.
No-cost and Low-cost Ideas Identified by Our Agency These are no-cost and low-cost actions and approaches that we think can make a difference for this performance measure.
- Posting remidners on social media on how to use narcan and when to.
What communities served/customers think would work to do better These are actions and approaches that our communities served/customers think can make a difference for this performance measure.
- Answer any questions newly narcan trainees have to ensure they feel confident.
List of Questions/Research Agenda These are questions to follow-up on for this performance measure. If you still need more information about what works to do better, make these questions part of your information & research agenda.
- What made indivduals feel most safe when using Narcan?