Integrated Healthcare Services
All Utahns have equitable access to timely, high quality healthcare services and supports that meet individual needs, are integrated, and promote independence and safety.
All Utahns have equitable access to timely, evidence based, and cost-effective healthcare services and supports that meet individual needs, are integrated, and outcome driven.
Children, adults, families and communities experience improved health and social functioning, and a reduction in harms associated with substance use and mental health challenges
Percent of Medicaid adults and adolescents with major depressive episodes who receive treatment
Current Value
Measure Definition
This measure reflects the percentage of people, age 18 and older, who were treated with antidepressant medication treatment. This number represents the acute phase of treatment which includes people who stayed on an antidepressant medication for at least 84 days (12 weeks).
Currently, only adult data is represented in this measure. The Division of Integrated Healthcare (DIH) is investigating how to show this same information for those younger than 18.