# of Narcan doses distributed through syringe service programs to people who inject drugs (PWID).
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Syringe service programs (SSPs) are proven and effective prevention programs that provide a wide range of services to people who use drugs and are key partners in reducing the amount of both fatal and nonfatal overdoses in Vermont.
One of the most important services provided by SSPs is the distribution of Narcan/naloxone (the drug that reverses an overdose). All members of SSPs are offered Narcan upon every visit and are educated on how to identify an overdose and administer Narcan).
In addition to Narcan distribution and education, SSPs reduce overdose deaths by providing education to people who use drugs on how to more safely inject to avoid an overdose. In Vermont, the majority of Narcan doses are distributed by SSPs.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, data is not available to update this measure.
Updated December 2022
Why Is This Important?
Narcan saves lives.
Syringe Services Program Providers in Vermont
Hub and Spoke Providers
Medical Providers
Alcohol, Drug Abuse Program (ADAP)
Division of Emergency Preparedness, Response and Injury Prevention (DEPRIP)
What Works
Ensuring PWID have access to Narcan/Naloxone and know how and when to use it.
Action Plan
Provide Narcan/Naloxone without quantity restrictions to all SSPs in Vermont.