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Children's Integrated Services

Percentage of Participants with a 6 Month Review Completed (from date of completed One Plan)

Current Value


2 2022



Story Behind the Curve

During the two most recent reporting periods (FY 16), of the families who did not receive a 6 month review within the required timeframe, the majority were due to family circumstances (cancelled visit, child sick, family vacation, etc.). These issues are being addressed by staff clearly communicating deadlines to families and scheduling review dates in advance.

During previous reporting periods, some 6 month reviews were missed due to staff circumstances (sick, vacation, lack of tracking/knowledge of deadline, etc.). These issues were addressed by staff planning further in advance, receiving printouts of upcoming reviews, and improved team communication. Some confusion remains regarding deadlines when there are multiple CIS service providers working with a family.


CIS staff. Parents/Families. Therapists - SLP/PT/OT. Child care providers. Outside community partners engaged with the family.

What Works

  • Systems to track deadlines - yellow paper, database, schedule in calendar.
  • Ongoing reminders about review dates - printed, verbal, etc.
  • Consistent data understanding and entry.
  • Flexibility - families and staff.

Action Plan

  • The CIS Primary Service Provider will notify other team members in a timely fashion regarding upcoming reviews and transitions. The team will consider using the Early Intervention letter as a standard letter for all team members to use as notification of an upcoming review.
  • Continue to have data printed for each Primary Service Provider monthly to ensure review meetings are scheduled in advance (consider 5 month review for cases with circumstances that might inhibit a timely review).
  • Service Providers could mark upcoming review in calendars/appointment books.
  • Ensure all staff enter data accurately - indicate reason if timeline not met.
  • Develop a policy regarding exiting families in a timely manner.
  • Look at billing and encounters to ensure families are exited from the program in a timely manner.
  • Continue to discuss possible family exits at weekly meeting.
  • Finalize family engagement letter and include information on policy regarding exiting families.
  • Create clear protocol on transitioning from one CIS program to another CIS programs. EI could make sure they give the One Plan cover sheet to the new Service Coordinator.

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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