Children in Jersey live healthy lifestyles
% of children aged 14 to 15 years who have never smoked
Current Value
What is this about?
This indicator uses data from the Jersey School Survey, which every Jersey child in school Years 6, 8, 10 and 12 has the opportunity to take part in. The survey asks participants to select which statement described them best: I have never smoked at all; I have tried smoking once or twice; I used to smoke regularly, but now I don’t; I smoke occasionally (less than one cigarette per week); I smoke regularly (one or more cigarette per week) but would like to give up; I smoke regularly and don’t want to give up. The indicator focuses on Year 10 pupils who say they have never smoked.
In 2021, around one in three Year 10 pupils (28%) reported they had tried smoking at least once, this was a similar proportion to 2019 (33%), but lower than the one in two pupils stated in 2010 (48%).
5% of secondary school aged pupils in Year 10, and 12% of Year 12 were regular smokers.