% of pupils assessed as secure in mathematics at the end of KS2
Current Value
What is this about?
The current Jersey Curriculum was introduced in primary schools in 2014. The Jersey Primary Assessment Framework (JPAF) was written to reflect the significant changes with the new curriculum. The JPAF is used to assess pupil performance against this revised curriculum. Teacher assessments measure the extent to which a pupil has achieved the specific knowledge, skills and understanding in mathematics expected by the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2) (Year 6, aged 10 or 11 years). Pupils are assessed as 'emerging', 'developing' or 'secure' within the expectations for their year group. Children who are 'developing' or 'secure' are on track to meet the expectations of their age group, and generally display learning traits that will enable them to continue to make good progress through Key Stages 3 and 4. Teacher assessments are conducted at the school, and then moderated across the Island to ensure a consistent and accurate measure of attainment. This specific indicator tracks the percentage of pupils in mainstream government schools assessed as secure in mathematics at the end of KS2, but importantly, we also report the percentage of pupils who are either 'developing' or 'secure' by the end of Year 6 to give an understanding of the overall proportion of pupils meeting expectations across the Island as opposed to just those reaching the top band (Secure).
65% of pupils in the academic year 2021-22 were assessed as secure in mathematics; a similar proportion to the previous year reported (please note, that no data was collected in 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic; this was the same approach as England).