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St Helier is a safe place to live and visit

Reported violence in the St Helier night time economy

Current Value




The timespan used to define the night time economy is from 8pm in the evening to 4am in the morning. Crimes included are grave and criminal assault, common assault, affray, rape and personal robbery


What is this about?

St Helier is the hub of Jersey's night-time economy with the Island's main concentration of bars and nightclubs attracting thousands of people on busy weekends.  

This indicator tracks the number of recorded offences of grave and criminal assault, common assault, affray and robbery that take place in the pubs, clubs, other publicly accessible buildings and the streets of St Helier between the hours of 8pm and 4am each year. About 75% of all cases involve the lesser offence of common assault. 

Please note that the 2009-18 figures were adjusted downwards in June 2020 following a review that identified the inclusion of a small number of offences from outside of St Helier. In most cases, and all those since 2016, the required adjustment was less than 5%.   

Levels of reported violence declined in 2020 by as much as 55% which is attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw a change in how night-time economy operated and how people operated within it.  


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