% of non-inert waste that is recycled
Current Value
What is this about?
This indicator measures the proportion of non-inert waste (biodegradable and combustible solid waste) received at La Collette which is recycled. It addresses the third step in the internationally recognised waste hierarchy ('Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Recover'). Managing the amount of waste we produce is the starting point. Then, we must appropriately balance re-using and recycling waste and energy recovery, prioritising alternative solutions for materials that are unacceptable for energy recovery including glass, metals and batteries.
A target recycling rate of 32% was set in the 2005 Waste Strategy. This was achieved in 2009, but has remained largely static since then. The overall rate will be influenced by external factors, such as climatic growing conditions, which influence the tonnage of green waste received for composting and the growing use of digital media publications which reduces the amount of waste paper being generated. Jersey's new Household Reuse and Recycling Centre also opened in January 2017, and this facility encourages Islanders to consider separating items suitable for reuse ahead of recycling and waste disposal.
2020 reduction in rate partly due to temporary suspension of some kerbside collections due to Covid restrictions and export restrictions
Increase of 13% from 2020 due to inclusion of all Waste Metal exports in recycling figure.