Percentage of Healthy Homes inspections for which reassessments are performed within 90 days
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
A 90-day reinspection is a DPH contract requirement for local health jurisdictions and partners receiving funding to perform Healthy Homes inspections. Performing reinspections has been difficult to accomplish due to resident refusal to allow the reinspection and tenant relocation leaving the residence that was inspected either vacant or occupied by another family. This explains why the number of Healthy Homes Reassessments is so low.
CT DPH reached out to several partners to voluntarily utilize the Healthy Homes Standardized Checklist and the Healthy Homes Surveillance System (standardized format for collecting and managing home-based health hazards).
Local health jurisdictions, “Putting on Airs” contracting sites, and code enforcement officials use the standardized form and surveillance system – these partners typically integrate these efforts into existing program functions.
The non-profit organization, Lead Action for Medicaid Primary Prevention (LAMPP) uses the system when conducting site visits associated with the HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant, and HUD Healthy Homes Grant.
Local health jurisdictions that elect to use public health and human services block grant funds for the topic area of “Healthy Homes” are required to use the surveillance system and standardized form.
What Works
Promote the importance of the 90-day reinspection to be able to determine the effectivness of the Healthy Homes approach and to verify what hazards have been addressed.
Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Environmental Health, 2008, Healthy Homes Inspection Manual.
Action Plan
Promote the importance of the correction of the severe housing code violations and the need to foster partnerships with agencies/program (e.g., housing, building, and fire) where referrals are made so violations outside of their purview can still be tracked to conclusion.