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Every child in Navarro County experiences physical and emotional safety and is connected to their caregiver and local resources.

Indicator 2.1: # of confirmed child abuse victims per year

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

What are the positive factors that are contributing to you reaching your desired result?

  • School resumes: more interaction with mandated reporters, less stress on parents, more regular access to food
  • Access to parent education through a variety of agencies 
  • Funding in the community for preventative programs
  • More awareness about child abuse and neglect than in previous generations

What are the negative factors that are restricting you from reaching your desired result?

  • Isolation: families living in rural areas, limited outside household interaction
  • Children being home for extended period of time due to COVID, increase in parents' level
  • % of families living in poverty
  • Increase in number of families facing economic hardships (due to Covid)
  • Low number of children in daycare pre-Covid and now even more so with Covid

What populations are the most disadvantaged and what causes these disparities?

  • Families with limited access to daycare due to financial instability
  • Non-citizens: hesitation to interact with law enforcement and/or attempt to obtain helpful resource such as parenting education or financial assistance
  • Linguistic isolation-English is not their first language
  • Families living in poverty
  • Children identified as having special needs
  • Single parent household: financial stress, potential inconsistencies in caregivers, increase in emotional stress
  • Parents with limited educational skills
  • Teen parents with limited support

Are there foreseeable factors that will affect your work over the next few months to a year?

  • Due to Covid, the potential for more shutdowns, children being back at home for extended periods of time
  • Increase in economic harship due to Covid
  • Change in District Attorney with potential changes in how crimes are addressed and new policies implemented
  • Decrease in giving to non-profits due to Covid and economic hardships

What additional research is needed to better understand the factors that influence the slope of the curve and related disparities? 

  • Census findings for 2020
  • Monitoring annual poverty for the county
  • Evaluating success of current prevention measures and identifying additional avenues for support
  • Findings from Early Development Instrument


Who are the partners that can help you reach your desired outcome? List partners and their roles.

  • Child Protective Services-more widespread collaboration with agencies 
  • Law enforcement
  • School districts
  • Child Advocacy Center and CASA
  • Agencies providing parenting education: PCHAS, VOICE, Hope Center
  • Medical professionals
  • Headstart, daycare, ECI

What Works

Research/Evidence-Based Practices:

  • Trust-Based Relational Intervention- TBRI- evidenced based parenting education
  • In-home intervention programs
  • Parent support groups-parent cafes-Growing Together

Low Cost/No Cost Solutions:

  • Increase awareness/knowledge of abuse for children-marketing and social media
  • Education for parents about what abuse is and additional positive disclipline strategies, flyers provided at school enrollment 
  • Increase education for community: set up trainings with teachers and parents
  • De-stigmatizing (normalizing) parenting education-we all need support
  • Providing education (flyers) at obligatory meetings for example at parent/child meetings
  • Offering parent cafes (support groups) in schools 
  • Expanding service hours for families who work. Offering after hours visits and therapy. 

Innovative/Out-the-Box Solutions: 

  • Highly incentivizing parenting education prior to having children
  • Social media campaign on childrens' platforms, BrightByText
  • Partner with hospital to identify incentives for parents such as financial assistance
  • Invest in Spanish-speaking therapists and helping professionals to serve a broader community
  • Help Me Grow: Centralized Access Point for child screenings and support connection

Additional Research:

  •  How do other counties destigmatize parenting education? 
  •  How do other counties reach families before they reach a crisis point?
  •  What are the results of parenting support groups and their lowering caregiver stress?


What Strategy By Whom (Partners) By When
Public Health campaign: flyers, social media blitz for parents on positive discipline School districts for distribution, DFPS information Summer 2021
De-stigmatizing the need for parenting education Coalition and other community partners Ongoing
Increase community trainings on abuse specifically for mandated reporters-teachers, daycare staff, etc.  CPS, Coalition.  January 2021

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