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North Carolina embraces a fair and equitable justice system, free from racism and bias, where safety is foundational to all aspects of a free society, and all communities are free from harm and violence.

The residents of Caswell County live in a thriving, healthy, and equitable community.

All Residents are Healthy and Thriving.

All residents in Edgecombe County are healthy and thriving

All Cumberland County members thrive in safe, stable, and nurturing environment.s.

All Wayne County residents have equitable access to substance use disorder resources and value these resources.


All people in Mecklenburg live in safe communities.

All people in NC live in communities with equitable access to evidence-based substance use disorder services for treatment and recovery.

All people in the Greater Mecklenburg Area have equitable access to evidence-based substance use disorder services for treatment and recovery.

All people in Alexander County have access to mental and/or behavioral health care.

Result statement 3

INCARCERATION North Carolina embraces a fair and equitable justice system, free from racism and bias, where safety is foundational to all aspects of a free society, and all communities are free from harm and violence.

Result Statement

Result Statement

Vulnerable populations in Beaufort County will have equitable access to healthcare resources in the community.

State level HNC indicator measures

All people in Cumberland County live in safe, stable environments

All people are living happy, healthy lives because Avery County has the ability to respond, withstand, and recover from adversity.

All people are living happy, healthy lives because Avery County has the ability to respond, withstand, and recover from adversity.

Injury and Violence Prevention: Connecting Justice-Involved Individuals to Care

Incarceration Rate (Total) per 100,000 population aged 13 and older in North Carolina prisons

Current Value



Line Bar Comparison

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