All children in North Carolina discover the joy of reading at an early age and are supported in the home, school, and community to be lifelong readers.
Results Statement [Replace this generic text with a result statement related to your health priorities]
All children in Rockingham County are successful in school.
All children in Randolph County thrive in safe, stable, nurturing environments.
All kids in Pitt County enter school ready to learn - DEMO
THIRD GRADE READING PROFICIENCY All children in North Carolina can discover the joy of reading at an early age and are supported in the home, school, and community to be lifelong readers.
All kids WCS will be able to read on a 1st grade level
All people in Nash County have equitable opportunities to address their conditions and causes of poverty through education and partnership program services to increase self-sufficiency.
All kids in Pitt County to enter school ready to learn
State level HNC indicator measures
All Jones County residents will have access to meaningful employment opportunities.
All people in Avery County will obtain optimal health by developing good eating habits through having access to adequate nutrition, being more productive in daily life.
All people in Mitchell County live in a community that supports access to affordable, nutritious foods and physical activity opportunities.
All children in Cabarrus County, birth to age 5, live in stable, safe environments, are healthy and ready for school success.
All people in Chatham have the access to resources they need to achieve economic stability and resilience.
Mikayla's First Result
All children in Rockingham County have access to quality early childcare and are prepared for a healthy and successful life.
What DPH Strategic plan does your program align to?
All children in Rockingham County have access to quality early childcare and are prepared for a healthy and successful life.
Third Grade Reading Proficiency: Percent of children in NC (Total) who are proficient in reading at end of Third Grade
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Indicator Notes
Third grade reading proficiency
Why is this Important?
Refer to HNC 2030
Additional Information:
The Percent of Children Who are Proficient in Reading at End of THird Grade indicator is aligned with HNC 2030.
Link to References and Reports: