People in Rutherford County are resilient and connected to care.
People in McDowell County feel supported and are connected to care.
All individuals and families in North Carolina with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All residents in Brunswick County have equitable access to substance use disorder education and services.
All Scotland County residents live in smoke free and drug free communities.
All people in Wake County live in caring communities with compassion and respect for the mental-health and substance misuse needs.
All residents of Union County are resilent and live in communities that support their mental, social, and emotional needs.
Guilford County individuals and families have wellness and resiliency, free from the stigma of mental illness and substance misuse.
A condition of well being for children, adults, families, or communities
All Hyde County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All people in Carteret County have equitable access to appropriate treatment resources for substance use disorder.
Richmond County residents live in healthy, safe and drug-free communities.
All New Hanover County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All Residents are healthy and thriving
A Safe and Clean Neighborhood
All people in Lenoir County have increased knowledge and access to behavioral health providers and resources.
Fewer deaths from substance misuse disorder
All Cumberland County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
Beaufort County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All Washington county residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All Tyrrell county residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All Sampson County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
Rowan County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All Pamlico County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services and communities foster and support positive mental health.
All residents of Rockingham County will have equitable access to substance abuse services.
Drug Overdose Deaths
All Warren County residents have equitable access to services for substance use disorders.
All Johnston County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
People in our service region are healthy and thriving
All Lincoln County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All people in Pender County have equitable and affordable access to substance use disorder services
Greene County residents have equitable access to Substance Use Disorder services.
All people in Caldwell County have equitable access to substance abuse disorder services.
All people in Dare County live in communities with equitable access to substance use prevention and disorder services.
Craven County residents have access to substance abuse/misuse resources.
All people in Onslow County have equitable access to substance use disorder services/resources.
All Granville and Vance residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All individuals in Burke County have equitable access to substance use prevention and treatment options
All Surry County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services. HNC 2030 Result Statement
All people in Randolph County live in communities that foster and support positive mental health and have equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All people in Alexander County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care.”
All people in Columbus County live in communities with equitable access to substance abuse disorder services.
Opioid Abuse and Misuse - result statement
All people in Montgomery County have equitable access to mental health and substance use disorder services.
All Davie County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services
Burke County is a recovery focused community
All people in Alleghany County are healthy and equitably supported.
All citizens of Alexander County live free from harm by opioid/substance use disorder.
Example Result Statement
All people in Alexander County live free of the experience of substance use disorder.
All people in Ashe County have equitable access to resources to live thriving and self directed lives.
All people in Robeson County living in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All People in Moore County Have Access to Services that Help to Address Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues
All individuals and families in North Carolina with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All Davidson County residents have an awareness of Substance Use Disorder and have equitable access to resources including prevention education, treatment and support services.
DRUG OVERDOSE DEATHS All individuals and families in North Carolina with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All people in Johnston County with a Substance Use Disorder have access to equitable substance use resources.
All people in Haywood County have access to substance use treatment and prevention education services.
All people in Nash County have equitable access to increased behavioral health/substance use services to promote well-being and decrease stigma.
All people in Scotland County have positive mental health
Result Statement
Residents of Henderson County are free from substance misuse.
Sampson County youth and adults are free from substance misuse.
All Johnston County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
State level HNC indicator measures
All people in Cumberland County have equitable access to substance misuse services
Lower The Number of Yearly Deaths Related to Overdose of all Residents in McDowell County
People in Duplin County are mentally and physically healthy
All people in Onslow County have access and awareness of substance use prevention and mental/behavioral health resources available in the community.
All people in Macon County help to reduce instances of addiction and over dose deaths.
All Jones County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
Individuals living in Pitt County will have good mental health and well-being and access to culturally appropriate care.
Ensuring that all in Buncombe County are able to live free of stigma, supported in mind, body, and spirit in times of both strength and difficulty with resilience, self-determination and a positive sense of self-worth regardless of income, race, neighborhood, nationality, ability and age.
All individuals and families in Carteret County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All Lee County residents are supported to make healthier decisions regarding substance use and the availability of treatment options.
All people in Halifax County live in a community that fosters and supports positive mental health and prevention of substance abuse.
All people of Bladen County receive substance use care without fear of stigma and feel supported by the community.
Across all stages of life, everyone in Granville and Vance Counties clearly knows what mental health and substance use resources exist and has access to an integrated treatment team.
All people of Washington County will have equitable access to substance abuse disorder services.
Stanly County youth and adults are free from substance misuse
All Individual and families in Wilkes County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
Jackson County Residents are Drug Free
Residents of Graham County are Healthy, Safe, and Thriving.
Substance Use - Advancing health and resilience by advocating for prevention, treatment, harm reduction and recovery.
All people of Martin County will have equitable access to substance abuse disorder services.
Craven County Residents are free of substance misuse.
All individuals and families in Edgecombe County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All individuals and families in Northampton County with substance abuse disorder receive person centered care.
All individuals and families in the ARHS service area have wellness and resiliency, free from stigma of mental illness and substance misuse.
Forsyth County will make no-cost naloxone available in at least three community locations, will provide education via training and community events at least 15 times per year, and will experience a reduction in stigma.
All individuals and families in our county with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches
All people in Stokes County live in communities that foster and support positive mental health. with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All individuals and families in Chatham County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All individuals and families in Chatham County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All individuals and families in Northampton County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All individuals and families in Wake County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All individuals and families in Wayne County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All individuals and families in Edgecombe County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All individuals and families in Person County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All individuals and families in North Carolina with substance use disorder receive person-centered care.
Substance Abuse Disorder
All individuals and families in Cumberland County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All individuals and families in New Hanover County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
All individuals and families in Person County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.
NC State Center for Health Statistics
All Wayne County residents have wellness free from stigma of substance misuse.
We want safe and healthy communities where people have equitable access to quality services.
All people in Dare County live in communities with equitable access to substance use prevention and disorder services
Result statement 1
All Polk County Residents Will Be Free of Substance Misuse
All people in Hertford county have a healthy physical and mental lifestyle
All people in Bertie County have access to appropriate Health resources
All people in Halifax live in communities that foster and support positive mental health
All people in Chowan county have access to appropriate health resources
All people living in Hoke County have equitable access to compassionate mental health, addiction and recovery support services.
All individuals and families in Edgecombe County have good mental health, well-being, and access to culturally appropriate care.
All individuals and families with substance use disorder have access to person-centered care through evidence-based approaches.
Result #1
"All people in Pamlico County cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.”
All individuals and families in Caldwell County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care.
All people in Scotland County have equitable access to mental health, substance use, and tobacco use treatment assistance and supporting services.
All people in Orange County will have the equitable opportunity to be connected to services and supports, of their choice, relating to mental health and substance use.
All people in Beaufort County have equitable access to substance use disorder, harm reduction, and injury prevention resources.
All Rowan County residents will have access to communities that support substance use prevention, intervention, and treatment.
Individuals in Wilson County live free from dependence on and abuse of harmful, addictive substances.
All individuals and families in Pender County with Substance Use Disorder have access to recovery support services.
All Buncombe County residents live free of stigma related to SU and have access to life saving Naloxone medication
All people in Yancey County are resilient, supported, and experience whole-person health and wellness
All Wake County residents have access to effective prevention, early intervention, and mental-health treatment and supports as needed to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their communities.
All people in Robeson County have equitable access to suboxone, Narcan and treatment.
Substance Use: Community-based work to better understand the root causes of substance use locally and be able to develop equitable solutions.
All people in Lincoln County live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All people in Greene County have affordable, equitable, and stigma-free access to mental health, behavioral health, and substance misuse treatment, community support, and education.
All residents of Union County have equitable access to education, prevention, treatment, and recovery services related to substance use disorder.
All people in Alexander County with substance use disorder receive person-centered care.
All people in Surry County have equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All people in NC have equitable access to Substance Use Disorder resources
All individuals in Randolph County affected by substance use disorder and mental health conditions are healthy, safe, and free of stigma.
All Davie County residents with substance use disorder are able to receive quality, timely, and supportive care and treatment.
All residents of Person County have access and awareness of appropriate resources to make positive choices to support mental well-being and to become free from substance misuse.
All individuals in Harnett County have equitable access to substance abuse prevention and treatment options.
Promote Harm Reduction Efforts and Reduce Overdose Deaths through advocacy, surveillance, and training
All people in Yadkin County live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
All people in Rockingham County have equitable access to comprehensive mental health/substance abuse services, in stigma-free communities.
Result #1
All people in Columbus County receive care for substance use disorder without fear of stigma.
To be developed
All people in Catawba County have access to support and resources that promote their brain health and mental well-being.
All people in Rockingham County have equitable access to comprehensive mental health/substance misuse services, in stigma-free communities.
All people in Generic County recovering from substance misuse have access to safe, supportive home environments that support evidence-based treatment strategies.
Iredell County has effective prevention and support programs to remain free of substance misuse.
Promote Harm Reduction and Reduce Substance Use
Guilford County individuals and families have wellness and resiliency, free from the stigma of mental illness and substance use.
Improvement of the Quality, Timeliness, and Availability of Reports and Exams
Foster a healthier, safer Cleveland County by addressing substance use and its impact through empowerment, education, support, and advocacy.
People in Duplin County are mentally and physically healthy
Swain County Residents are Strong, Safe and Resilient
All people in Pamlico County cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.
Substance Use
Result Statement 3
Drug Poisoning Death Rate in North Carolina (Total): Drug Poisoning Deaths per 100,000 population (age-adjusted rates)
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Along with the rest of the country, North Carolina has experienced a sharp increase in drug overdose deaths over the past decade, largely due to the opioid epidemic, and more recently involving a preponderance of poisonings from illegally manufactured fentanyl.
- Number of participants (How Much)
- Percentage of enrolled participants who complete the Program (How Well)
- Number of - (Better Off)
Indicator Notes
Number of persons in North Carolina who die as a result of drug poisoning per 100,000 population, adjusted by age.
Why is this Important?
Substance misuse is a chronic condition, requiring ongoing care and treatment for individuals to regain and maintain health and recovery.
This chronic condition affects the individual’s relationship with family and community. It can impair ability to attend school or work and negatively impacts both physical and mental health. It can also lead to social complications and negative interactions with the justice system. [HNC2030]
Additional Information:
The Drug Poisoning Death Rate indicator is aligned with HNC 2030.
References and Links:
North Carolina's Opioid and Substance Use Action Plan | NCDHHS