Goal 3. Increase the number of children immunized in Canton City.
Current Value
% of children served by Canton City Public Health
Story Behind the Curve
Data for January 2016- March 2017 (15 month period). Percentage of children between the ages of 0 and 35 months with up-to date immunizations served by Canton City Public Health. CoCasa database.
What Works
CoCasa assessment was completed on 9/24/18 - it is only run on an annual basis. The process is changing for 2019 in that we will be completing a quality impromement process. The training for this will be held in July 2019.
CoCasa assesment has been replaced by IQIP. It is required to be done annually (based on the GV grant cycle - end of cycle is 6/30/2020). It is scheduled to be completed 10/17/19. Number included is from the 9/24/18 Cocasa results.