Objective 1.1. Publish articles about the health department in print and online media of general circulation and/or conduct local radio show at least four times each year starting in 2018.
Current Value
% complete 4 annual CCPH promotion activities
Story Behind the Curve
Baseline is considered 0 activities completed since it is the start of the CY20 (1/1/20-12/31/20).
What Works
Reporting at least 4 separate, CCPH promotion activities (articles or radio spots) annually for each year. Objective met if 4 of 4 activities completed (or 100%) by end of each year.
Action Plan
Canton City Public Health's (CCPH) Public Information Officer (PIO) will work to ensure that articles about the health department are published in printer, online and/or on local radio. The PIO will write articles and submit them to the Canton Repository and post articles on the department's social media pages.