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Strategy 1.3: Provide resources and supports to families and caregivers that strengthen interactions and promote early learning in a home environment and 1 more... less...

EPM 1.3c: # of families and caregivers served that were provided with information, resources, tools, trainings, and/or teaching skills

E-PM 1.3c: # of caregivers served who were provided with information, resources, tools, trainings, and/or teaching skills

Current Value


FY 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve


The data reported here is an aggregate of data from the following funded programs:

  • LSI - Parent as Teachers & Family Development
  • MICA - Steps to Success (discontinued in FY19-20)
  • Raising Readers -  Step Into Storybooks; Advocacy for Social Development program (started reporting on this data point in FY20-21); Thrive by Five's StoryTime (currently on hold).
  • The Bridge Home (formerly ERP) - Transitional Living program
  • YSS - Family Development (FaDSS/Healthy Futures) and Transitional Living (parenting component discontinued in FY20-21)


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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy